Author: braccioj

    Common Conflicts in Marriage

    Dr. John H. Braccio and Dave discuss, on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 3/29/16 on WILS, 1320 Lansing, Michigan Common Conflicts silifke eskort ilanları in Marriage. Even though every marriage is unique, the common problems of marriage are remarkably similar in most cases. That so many couples are not prepared shows the need for them to go through some type of marriage preparation to help eliminate the roughly 50% divorce rate. How to resolve conflicts is a timely topic for all couples and perspective couples to think about as conflicts develop or could develop. Common conflicts include:

    1. Communication
    2. Expectations
    3. Money
    4. Raising Children
    5. Sex/Intimacy
    6. Relatives
    7. Time together as a couple and family
    8. Chore sharing
    9. Work versus couple /family



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    Learning to Deal with Heartbreak Loss is Far More Difficult Then Heart Pounding Victory

    Dr. Braccio and Dave discuss, on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 3/15/16 on WILS, 1320 Lansing, Michigan, the heartbreak of Michigan State’s early loss in the NCAA mersin anamur escort bayanları Basketball Tournament and the deep frustration of Coach Izzo, team members, and fans. They discuss the importance of perspective. Coach Tom Izzo’s MSU Basketball Program is a sports icon of sustained greatness over many years. Defeat at times is inevitable. In this case, Middle Tennessee State took it to the Spartans and played a great game. They deserved to win. MSU won the Big Ten Tournament Championship and had a great year. Now it is time to move on to MSU Spring Football and baseball with the Detroit Tigers. Coach Izzo has already begun to prepare for next year with a solid group of returning players and maybe the most highly recruited incoming freshman class in the nation. In spite of the loss, life is great if you are a Spartan basketball fan. Coach Izzo responded to the loss with great class to his players and fans. Learning to deal with heart breaking loss is far more complicated and difficult than heart pounding victory.

    They also discuss ethnic food. Dave talked about a Polish coffee shop in Hamtramck, Michigan while Dr. Braccio talked about delicious Polish food he often ate from the west side of Grand Rapids when going to weddings with Polish-American classmates while at Grand Rapids Catholic Central High School over 55 years ago.



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    Sadness, Shock, and Outrage When a Prominent County Prosecutor is Arrested


    Dr. Braccio discusses “Sadness, Shock, and Outrage When a Prominent Community Prosecutor is Arrested” on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 3/15/16 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.While there is outrage, there mersin anamur eskort bayanları is a sadness when a long time public figure like STUART DUNNINGS is charged with crimes he prosecutes. In a time society is in great upheaval, publicly elected officials are needed who model for us. There also is the human tragedy of the fall of a towering public figure. If guilty, he will need humility and to ask public forgiveness and prayer for him as a human being. There can be no satisfaction to any of his possible enemies in such a sad human tragedy. Hopefully, if Stuart Dunnings is guilty, he can find a way to make up for what he has done and find a way to contribute to the well-being of his family, the citizens who elected and trusted him, and society.


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    How to Work with Your Athlete Son Who Appears to Lack Motivation


    Dr. John A.Braccio:  My husband and son have heard you and your father over the years on the radio kocasinan escort ilanları talking with Jack Ebling, Graham Couch and others about motivation to be your best as an athlete.  Our son is going to be a sophomore next year in high school.  He is a solid academic student but cannot seem to do that well as an athlete.  His coaches say he has very good ability but is too timid and lacks fire.  We don’t discourage him but probably are less interested in his playing sports and want him to continue above all else to be a good student.  What have you done with other athletes like him and what do you feel would help him?  He wants to do well in sports as he does in school.  We want him happy and successful.  


    It’s great to hear that your son is a good student and involved in sports.  I would first encourage your son to stay involved.   Young athletes need balance in life and sports can provide that. Guiding him to create a vision and goals for himself to achieve to his potential, possibly with the help of a sports psychologist, may be beneficial for your son. Athletes who do not have appropriate mindsets to do their best in sports often appear to lack “fire” and underachieve.  Creating a vision with goals, challenging him to stay engaged, and prepare to do his best would be very helpful.  The resulting success will connect with his emotions and help him to be less timid and have “the fire” to reach his potential.  Some of techniques we use as psychologists in the office, include hypnosis, deep relaxation, and visualization.  They can be powerful support to athletes like him as he matches his skills and performance.

    Critical Mindsets for Successful Athletes

    Dr. Braccio discusses “Critical Mindsets for Successful Athletes” on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 3/8/16 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan. What are some psychological skillsets/mindsets that are critical for athletes to reach their maximal athletic success? They are the same whether you are going to be an Olympic Gold Medalist or a seldom played team member.The goal is to be the best you can be konya merkez eskort as an athlete.

    They discuss Denzel Valentine and how he has developed into maybe the best basketball player in the country. Even though few have the skill sets of Denzel, he has developed them as best he could. Each athlete needs to try to do the best possible to reach his or her potential. It is exceptionally hard to hit your peak as an athlete. Key factors are:

    1.  Desire
    2. Realistic Goals
    3. Commitment
    4. Self-Motivation
    5. Learn from failure
    6. Positive Self-Talk
    7. Not give up
    8. Keep perspective on sports and life

    In many years working with athletes, we as psychologists do a lot of relaxation/training, hypnosis, and visualization techniques to help them develop the correct mindset to achieve to their potential.


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    What Makes A Strong and Healthy Family That Will Last for the Current and Next Generation?

    Dr. Braccio discusses “What makes a strong and healthy family that will last for the current and next generation” on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 2/29/16 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan. They talk about how to build strong and healthy families for the present and next generation.It is critical that family mersin eskort members become one and build traditions that will be treasured for a lifetime. Key factors are communication, sharing, commitment, modelling, spirituality, united in problem sharing, appreciation, and time together. Dave shared that his father’s parents died when he was young and he was taken in by other family members who gave him love and security. A successful nation needs strong and healthy families as it’s core.


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    What Caused Jason Brian Dalton to Randomly and Brutally Murder Six Persons and Severely Injure Two Others?

    Dr. Braccio discusses “What Caused Jason Brian Dalton to Randomly Kill” with Dave Akerly of the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 2/23/16 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.Jason is a particularly frightening murderer for there was apparently no previous warning he might kocasinan escort bayan do this. This means he could be anybody and anyone could be his victim. He may have had a psychotic break/temporary psychosis caused by many factors including persecution delusion, loss of love, death of a loved one, social demands, drugs, insomnia, brain injury, and war. Further information on Jason will hopefully help us understand what motived him and what we can learn to help make sure such persons are stopped from doing such horrible things as much as possible in the future.


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    What Caused Jason Brian Dalton to Randomly and Brutally Murder Six Persons and Severely Injure Two Others?


    Dr. Braccio discusses “What Caused Jason Brian Dalton to Randomly Kill” with Dave Akerly of the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 2/23/16 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.Jason is a konya merkez escort kızlar particularly frightening murderer for there was apparently no previous warning he might do this. This means he could be anybody and anyone could be his victim. He may have had a psychotic break/temporary psychosis caused by many factors including persecution delusion, loss of love, death of a loved one, social demands, drugs, insomnia, brain injury, and war. Further information on Jason will hopefully help us understand what motived him and what we can learn to help make sure such persons are stopped from doing such horrible things as much as possible in the future.

    Reasons To Get Married

    Dr. Braccio discusses “Reasons To Get Married” with Dave Akerly of the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 2/16/16 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.In a secular-humanist world that reflects much of modern day America, silifke eskort numaraları Dr. Braccio and Dave Akerly discuss, WHY GET MARRIED? Dr. Braccio says it amazes him that up to 50% of current marriages are doomed to divorce! Below are some positive results of a good marriage.

    1.  Someone to share a life with as a lover, partner, and hopefully best friend.
    2.  Sharing the responsibility and joy of children in a family unit.
    3. Better mental health.
    4.  Love in its purest form.
    5. Possible spiritual growth.
    6. Social benefits and acceptance.
    7.  Better financial stability.
    8.  Someone you can care for who also will care for you.
    9.  A partnership team to solve problems.
    10. If each spouse gives 60%, each will get a fair 50% share.



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    You Can Do It!

    Dr. Braccio discusses with Rich Hurl, News Director of MacDonald Broadcasting, the topic of “You Can Do It” on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 2/9/16 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.Whether you say these words to mersin escort bayan yourself or advise someone else, these are words that are so critical to one’s chances for success. So often in my work as a psychologist, persons say:  I CAN’T DO IT!–and say it as an irrefutable truth!  I advise them to step back, review the situation, look at options, and make a decision on what in reality they can do. This is good advice for all of us.


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    The Heroic Battle 37 Year Old Jennifer VanderStelt Fought Against Cancer Can Be Inspirational For All of Us

    Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 2/2/16 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan. Dr.Braccio randomly found an obituary written by Stephen Kloosterman on Jennifer VanderStelt and was moved by her fight silifke escort numaraları with cancer that she lost on December 30, 2015. Her reported advice on a Facebook post is good advice for all of us whether at the highest or lowest ebb of our life on earth: THE SUN IS SHINING ON THIS BEAUTIFUL DAY. IT’S BEEN A DIFFICULT WEEK, BUT I AM NOT GIVING UP….PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR HEALTH FOR GRANTED, LIVE IN THE PRESENT AND LET GO OF THE THINGS YOU CANNOT CHANGE. Too many people need to hear what this young woman told us in the midst of her losing but valiant battle with cancer. CARPE DIEM/SEIZE THE DAY is what the Roman Poet, Horace, advised us to do every day we have life on earth. Jennifer gives us the same advice 2000 years later.



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    End Zone: The Rise, Fall and Return of Michigan Football


    On 1/26/16, Dr.Braccio discusses on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show with Jack Ebling and Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal about how universities are taking football scholarship offers away from an athlete when another athlete is silifke eskort ilanları felt to be better. They also discuss how students do not honor commitments from universities. There is some discussion on how an early signing period might help resolve this problem on both sides.


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    Historical Lack of Female AD/HD Diagnosis has Led to Unnecessary Anxiety and Depression

    Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 1/26/16 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan. They discuss how women have historically been underdiagnosed with AD/HD and the harm this has psychologically caused when upset over their symptoms which has led to unnecessary anxiety and depression.



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    The Importance of Personal Dependability

    Dependability is the critical ability to be relied upon when needed and expected.This means you will do what you say you will do even when tired, hurting, and just not wanting to do karatay escort kızlar something. Two obvious examples are THE IRON HORSE (Lou Gehrig) and THE IRON MAN (Cal Ripken, Jr.). These two baseball greats who in their day represented endurance and ability to compete and do their jobs even when others, if not most, would take the day off. Dependability is a key to success in all aspects of life including employment, friendships, intimate family relationships, and personal self-esteem and achievement. President Woodrow Wilson has a good quote on dependability: WITHOUT DEPENDABILITY, ONE’S ABILITY MAY BE A LIABILITY INSTEAD OF AN ASSET.



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    Positive Pride

    Positive Pride comes from many sources over many years of achievement and hard work.It can be described as good self-esteem resulting from anamur eskort kızlar earned achievement. The resulting positive pride is not to be used to lord it over someone or see others as inferior to you because of your achievement. That would be BAD/NEGATIVE/FALSE PRIDE.

    There is pride that comes from achievement as an individual or as part of a team. As my father often said to me to have me try my best: “Do your best and enjoy the pride in what you accomplish.” That is still very timely advice for all of us every day.


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    Empty-Nesters-To-Be Need To Seek Romantic Spark


    Dr.Braccio: My husband and I just had the final high school graduation party for anamur bayan escort our youngest child. We’ll be empty nesters in September. Our concern is that we’ve lost ourselves as a couple over the years. We get along fine but lack closeness emotionally and physically. Our priorities were our children and they are all doing well. We want to get close but quite candidly are awkward even when we talk about ourselves and feelings let alone anything more intimate. We want to love each other like we did but have no idea what to do. Our pastor has suggested a marriage encounter weekend. What do you think we should do?


    You need to put the love back into your marriage. With the two of you in agreement that you “want to love each other like you did”, nothing can stop you but yourselves. The key is to find a strategy to start.

    A marriage encounter weekend is a great idea. You can go back to the beginning of your relationship through discussion and written dialogue. Begin to fan the embers to put the magic of emotional and physical intimacy back into your relationship. After being loving and successful parents, refocus the energy and emotion you selflessly used to help them back into yourselves.

    The following are some suggestions to help:

    1.  Because it is hard to say things of emotion to each other in person, you can begin to write notes of endearment to each other. If this is too hard, find cards and poems that express your feelings. This type of dialoguing can be most effective.

    2.  Try to express feelings of endearment to each other when possible in an attempt to draw closer together. Even if initially awkward, set aside times to do this.

    3.  Hug and touch each other in caring ways in an attempt to develop more and more intimacy. You do not know what you have been missing.

    4.  Reminisce about when you fell in love and how it felt. Try to rekindle the old feelings. As an old Romberg song goes, “Golden days in the sunshine of our happy     youth”.

    5.  Revisit places you were at as lovers that can help bring back the old memories.

    6.  Do new things to build a new base where emotional and physical intimacy can develop. You two are in a rut where intimacy has been lacking. A trip to Mackinaw Island, Florida or even a local hotel for the night could be helpful.

    7.  Share romantic movies and love ballads together.  Listen to popular music from the past that can conjure up loving memories.

    8.  If in spite of your best efforts you cannot bring the old feelings back, you may find an experienced therapist could be helpful.

    I would say prognosis is very good for you two. You were great lovers and then became great parents. Now is the time to bring back the intimate emotional and physical love you had and again deserve. Go for it!

    What Does Christmas Mean to Individual Christians?

    Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 12/22/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They discuss WHAT DOES CHRISTMAS MEAN TO INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIANS? silifke escort numaraları Each Christian can focus about what he or she has positively experienced on past Christmases. Dr. Braccio shares some of his early experiences in a first generation Italian-American home. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is so wonderful for Christian believers. That God would send his son to earth so we could be saved and join him for eternity through his brutal crucifixion and death has been inspirational for millions of persons over the past 2000 years. The Prince of Peace is also loved and respected by millions of non-Christians. It is important to remember Christmas is a national holiday and our country has had an overwhelmingly Christian citizenry since the beginning of our founding. The following Pew 2014 breakdown by religious group in the United States is interesting. PROTESTANT 46.5%. Roman Catholic 20.8%. Mormon 1.6%. Other Christian 1.7%. Judaism 1.9. Islam 0.9%. Hinduism 0.7%. Buddhism 0.7%. Other Religions 1.8%. Unaffiliated 22.8%. Not stated 0.6%. We need to focus on the positive aspects of Christmas and not the commercialism that so often accompanies it. Dave put in an extra touch with some Christmas music from long ago by Mario Lanza.


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    How to Talk to Your Children About Terrorism and Terrorists

    Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 12/15/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They discuss the mersin anamur escort bayanları collective and individual fear Americans have about the uncertainty that results from terrorism. They discuss how parents can talk to their children about terrorism and terrorists


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    The Excitement and Joy of Winning/Succeeding Must Be More Powerful Than Losing/Failing


    Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 12/1/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan. They discuss The Excitement and Joy of Winning/Succeeding Must Be More Powerful Than Losing/Failing.Too many people willingly give away strong desired possibilities in life for success silifke escort numaraları by fearing failure. The ability to visualize what you desire and try to implement it in reality is a wonderful set of life skills to develop.


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