Author: braccioj

    Dr. Braccio Talks About How The Alleged Adrian Peterson Child Abuse Situation Relates to Society as a Whole on the Tony Conley Radio Show on 9/16/14

    Dr.Braccio discusses the importance silifke eskort numaraları of parenting with children in a manner where physical abuse is not even an option a parent would consider. It especially is true never to hit anyone when angry. Dr. Braccio discusses what needs to be done to help children who have been tormented by parental physical abuse.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks About Domestic Assault and Abuse in Homes on the Tony Conley Radio Show on 9/9/14

    Issues such as anger, entitlement, physical size, acculturation, intimidation, poor impulse control, low self-esteem, controlling personalities, and insecurities are discussed as reasons for domestic assault and abuse.Tony states he escort bayan mersin experienced this as a child when growing up. Men commit far more spousal abuse then women and must recognize this is a problem and not a way to settle an argument. Both persons in the relationship must accept they cannot be in a relationship when either person cannot guarantee he or she will not abuse the other.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks With Jack Ebling and Graham Couch on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 9/2/14

    I see the key for MSU this Saturday is the psychological ability of Dantonio and the other coaches to prepare the team for the hysterical mayhem they can expect at Oregon/Autzen Stadium.The game plan mersin escort of Wisconsin was a made for TV disaster plan. That loss hurt the image of the Big Ten versus the SEC. While a win Saturday would be huge for MSU I personally feel to play a close game would be a positive factor in the overall season. It will be tough to win but not impossible. I am not a gambler, if I were, I would take the 11points Las Vegas is giving. I feel the Big Ten Channel and Delany are promoting this game in a very positive way. The fact ESPN GAME DAY will be there for a Fox Broadcast is interesting. Drew Sharpe had an interesting take on the ND/MICHIGAN game and history. He sees that game as yesterday’s news and the MSU-Oregon game is current big time football. The current college football landscape appears to be in the midst of great change. I personally find it refreshing in many ways.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks About How to Control Jealousy in a Relationship or the Work Place on the Tony Conley Radio Show on 8/26/14

    Dr.Braccio and Tony talk about how to control jealousy in a relationship and not silifke escort ilanları have it destroy the very love and caring sought. From a logical perspective jealousy makes no sense and clearly feeds on itself in a destructive suicidal orgy. A few good quotes are as follows: 1. “O, beware my lord, of jealousy, it is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on.” William Shakespeare. 2. “Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy – in fact, they are almost incompatible; one emotion hardly leaves room for the other.” Both these quotes are very real and accurate in the often enraged mind of the person consumed with jealousy. Dr. Braccio and Tony also discuss how jealousy and envy can cause problems in the work place.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks About the Importance of Telling the Truth on the Tony Conley Radio Show on 8/19/14

    Dr.Braccio and Tony talk about the importance of telling the truth ourselves and expecting it from konya merkez kadın numaraları our children and associates. We must remember how we are judged and how we judge others relates to being truthful. Dr. Braccio specifically mentions his free audio download from his website, “Why Children Lie”. They also discuss anger and how it can destroy the best of people.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks About the Tragic Suicide of Beloved Robin Williams on the Tony Conley Radio Show on 8/12/14

    Dr.Braccio and Tony talk about karatay escort kızlar the tragic suicide of Robin Williams who was loved by millions. It appears the combination of long term depression and substance abuse were too much for him to overcome emotionally and suicide was his tragic choice. It is almost impossible for persons without depression and/or severe substance abuse addiction to realize the power they have over a person. Treatment ranging from substance abuse hospitalization, medication, and therapy can help overcome the problems and help the person lead a happy life and not end up committing suicide.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks About Life’s Opportunities on the Tony Conley Radio Show on 8/5/14

    Dr.Braccio talks about the silifke eskort numaraları importance of having a happy and successful life. This means a person needs to see and take advantage of life’s opportunities and not accept that disadvantages and unfairness of Life make happiness and success impossible. Sadly, too many people accept what the naysayers and negative people around them tell them. RUBBISH is what I say! A person must take charge of their dreams and attempt to make them occur.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 7/22/14

    Why a Person Chooses Failure When Success Seems Like Such a Better Alternative? The following are a few reasons: 1.Too much effort. I will get by. 2.An absolute belief life is set up in such a way I cannot succeed so why silifke escort numaraları try. 3. Let others take care of me. I deserve it! 4. I deserve it in such an unfair country! 5. No risk of failure if I do not try. 6. I believe I am independent and will raise my children on my own! 7. I know no better and believe this is the way it ought to be! This is actually a big problem in our society where many preach THE AMERICAN DREAM is dead. It is dead if you accept it is true. The result is you consciously or unconsciously choose failure in your life.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 7/15/14

    As much as we talk about happiness, it is elusive and too often lacking in much of our lives.Potentially happy people drown themselves and those konya merkez bayan arkadaş around them in unhappiness. Why is this? What can an unhappy person do to be happy? What can a happy person do to be happier? Obviously it begins with what we think and the feelings that follow our thoughts. The following quotes give some useful guidance on how to be happier: 1.”Folks are usually as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln. 2.”Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi. 3. “Learn to value yourself which means: fight for your happiness.” Ary Rand. 4. “The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.” Mark Twain. 5. “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” Aristotle. 5. “Grab every opportunity that comes your way with exhilarating gusto and you will be a happy person.”


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    Dr. Braccio Discusses The Psychological Lift For Lebron And Northern Ohio With His Return

    Dr. Braccio Talks With Jack Ebling and Doug Warren on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 7/15/14 about what it means for Lebron James and Northern Ohio with his returning to Cleveland from Miami.  Dr.Braccio feels it is terrific karatay bayan partner for both.  Lebron is forgiven for the way he left and now has returned to his roots.  Miami wants for the next Lebron or Shaquille_O’Neal to go there and Northern Ohio has the best basketball player on the planet in Cleveland.




    Relaxation, Mnemonics Can Aid Memory



    Dr.Braccio:  I am a forty-nine karatay genç kızlar year old who married late and has two teenage children.  My concern is my memory.  I’m busier than ever, always running here and there and can’t seem to remember like I did before.  The problem is I need my memory more now than ever.  My doctor evaluated me and said I was fine and to just slow down and be healthy.  Nothing seems to help and my wife and children kid me when I lose my keys, cell phone or forgot a password to get into a system I may use a lot.  What’s wrong with me and can I improve my memory?


    The first answer is that there is apparently nothing wrong with you except you are overextended and need to slow down and be healthy as your doctor said.  The second answer is that you can improve your memory.

    Before you do anything, recognize you are constantly traveling on a speeding out of control treadmill that you must control.  One’s memory will always be poor when daily responsibilities are overwhelming.

    There are various things you can do to improve your memory.  They would include the following:

    1. Eat three balanced meals day.  Good memory requires a healthy and well-nourished    body/brain.  2.  Get enough rest.  Fatigue will blunt the best of memories.  3.  Write down passwords and remember where the book is you put them in.  4.  When not on you, have specific places you always put things you commonly forget.  Examples would be car keys always go in the basket on top of the refrigerator or the cell phone is always on or near the charger in your den.  5.  Appropriate use of vitamins and supplements.  6.  Eliminate or reduce alcohol consumption. Exercising.  7.  Learn to relax by deep breathing, self-hypnosis, yoga, medication, or any other techniques to help you relax and clear your mind.  One cannot think clearly when the short term   memory is cluttered with unimportant information and is under constant bombardment by   information coming from all directions.  8.  Slow down your life and take on a manageable work and life load.  As a minimum, learn to focus on one thing at a time.  To focus on too many things at one time means you will not be completing any of them or will complete them erratically.  As goes the famous quote, “One cannot serve two masters at one time”.  9.  Believe your efforts to improve your memory will succeed and it will occur.  10.  Try various techniques called mnemonics to improve your memory.  A few examples would be as follows:

    A.  Associations.  Probably the most common relates to time change:  “Spring forward and Fall back”. B.  Pegs used to help you remember something.  For example, us  rhyming word pairs:   One with Ton, Two with Rule, Three with Tree.  Further examples could be with letters:  LSJ for Lansing State Journal, MPA for Michigan Psychological Association.  C.  A visual image in your mind of your uncle preparing and cooking Paella when you go shopping to buy ingredients to make the delicious Spanish meal.  This helps you remember what you must buy and how to make it.

    If you try the above suggestions with confidence, you will see improvement in your memory.  You can even have fun at home and enlist the family in activities to improve the memories of everyone.  I know of cases where this has been done with much success.

    Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 6/24/14

    Dr.Braccio talks about his belief that we must be prepared and mersin anamur eskort bayanları take advantage of opportunities when they come.  Sadness and ever despair can occur when our life becomes worse through bad choices at moments of great opportunity.  Dr. Braccio and Tony start as a beginning point with the famous quote from Shakespeare of Brutus in the play, JULIUS CAESAR.

    “There is a tide in the affairs of men.  Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures”.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks With Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal and Jack Ebling on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 6/10/14

    Dr. Braccio Talks With Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal and Jack Ebling on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 6/10/14 about the loyalty of the long suffering Detroit Lions.  They discuss the following questions:  If only thirty thousand fans had shown karatay escort up for Detroit Lions games since the Ford ownership, would the record be the same?  For sure, this would not be the case in Miami.  The real question is the following:  Would the Lions be better, if like the Miami Heat fans, the Detroit Lion fans demanded a winner in order to fill the stadium?


    Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 6/3/14

    Dr.Braccio and Tony Conley discussed the extreme emotional distress that parents experience when a child mersin eskort has severe physical problems.  Suggestions are given on how to try to deal with the situations and how we can helpful to the parents.  This discussion is the follow up to Tony’s interview with Fox News Anchor Bret Baier about the agony he and his wife suffered when their new baby had five major problems with his little heart and about his new book:  Special Heart

    Any questions or comments would be appreciated.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks About Memorial Day and the California Mass Murder on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 5/27/14

    I hope your MEMORIAL DAY was special.We owe so much to so many who protect us daily so we can continue our unique quest for konya merkez kadın escort individual freedom within our representative republic.  We also can never forget those who have given the ultimate sacrifice of their very lives.

    They discuss that it seems almost weekly we hear of a new mass murderer. Elliot Rodger particularly disliked women but used a knife to kill two male roommates and a third male that was there. He then killed two women and one male before he apparently killed himself. He also wounded thirteen others.  Even though his parents alerted the police he did not do anything or say anything in an interview that the police felt they could use to take him off the streets.  His two guns were obtained legally and one does not need a permit to get random knives. What was the cause of this and what can we do as individuals to protect ourselves, others and the potential violent person from such acts of pure horror?  Obviously, society has few answers at this time beyond the unacceptable choice of taking a number of people off the streets who would never harm anyone.  Additional community awareness and targeted mental health services could be helpful in a society with growing individual isolation and alienation.

    Any questions or comments would be appreciated.


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    Dr. Braccio Talks About The Nigerian Kidnapping Tragedy on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 5/20/14

    What could possibly motivate the evil thinking that would allow BOKO HARAM terrorist members to believe it is spiritually and morally acceptable to kidnap 276 high school female students and have their leader say HE PLANS TO SELL THE GIRLS INTO MARRIAGES AND SEX SLAVERY? This is a perverse extreme of the evil humans can engender in themselves and potentially unleash against other human beings.These are those konya merkez eskort crucial times we can all say we are ONE and hope forces for good can unite against such despicable acts. It appears this is happening at this time. Also, does not prayer seem helpful as we can see predominantly Christian young women forced to wear Moslem clothing and chant as if converted Moslems? Clearly, it is my view a just God would want religious conversion to come from the heart regardless of religious beliefs. This whole absolutely horrible ongoing episode of human misery psychologically shows us the importance for each of us not beginning the fatal first step into false indoctrination which can cause each of us and those we encounter great harm


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