Author: braccioj

    Speaking Psychologically 2-1-13

    The following are True Friend traits I silifke eskort numaraları believe are very important.  All of us could consider how each of us measures up:  1.Respect.  2.  Kindness.  3.  Do not try to make the friend into someone they are not.  4.  Understand when not understood by others or even themselves.  5.  Listen and understand what the friend does not say.  6.  Appreciate each other.  7.  Always beside you. 8.  Always has your back in tough times.  It is easy to be a friend in good times.  9.  Can see and console suffering without being intrusive or overbearing.  A good view of a true friend is “Another You”.


    1-29-13 John Braccio

    Speaking Psychologically 01-02-13

    Dr. Braccio discusses “Successful New Year’s Resolutions” on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 1/2/13 

    Dr.Braccio discussed how to choose resolutions, how to be successful with them and how to genç kızlar kocasinan deal psychologically when you are not being successful.  Typical New Year’s Resolutions are:  1. Weight loss.  2.  Fitness or exercise program.  3.  Stop smoking.  4.  Stop drinking or moderately use alcohol.  5.  Stop using illegal drugs including.  6.  Stop using prescription drugs inappropriately.  7.  Get spending in control or start a budget.  8.  Enhance training and learning.  9.  Help others.  10.  Organize life.  11.  Improve self.  12.  Renew family and other friendships.  13.  Strengthen spiritual self.

    Dr. Braccio also discusses the importance of learning how to give and receive constructive criticism. 

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    Speaking Psychologically 12-26-12

    Dr.Braccio talks on the konya merkez escort kızlar “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 12/25/12 – Christians as a Personal Reflective Period



    The Beauty of Christmas for Christians, non-practicing Christians and many non-Christians is that it is a reflective period when millions of people are exposed to love from family, loved ones and friends.  It is a good time to personally examine the following questions:  1.What is my purpose for living?  2.  Will the world be better when I leave it because of me?  3.  How will family, loved ones, friends and acquaintances remember me?  4.  How would I like to be remembered?


    I personally hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! 

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    Christmas Blog

    Dr.Braccio talks on the karatay kadın escort “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 12/25/12 – Christians as a Personal Reflective Period



    The Beauty of Christmas for Christians, non-practicing Christians and many non-Christians is that it is a reflective period when millions of people are exposed to love from family, loved ones and friends.  It is a good time to personally examine the following questions:  1.What is my purpose for living?  2.  Will the world be better when I leave it because of me?  3.  How will family, loved ones, friends and acquaintances remember me?  4.  How would I like to be remembered?


    I personally hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

    Speaking Psychologically 12-18-12

    Dr.Braccio talks on the “Tony karatay escort Conley Radio Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 12/18/12 – Barbaric Murder of Innocents in Newtown, Connecticut


    Dr. Braccio and Tony talk about the horrible murder and suicide events in Newtown, Connecticut.  To slaughter young innocents goes into the unthinkable.  Two mothers I know have called me in tears stressing out over their own daughters experiencing such an unspeakable abomination of human decency.  It touches an emotional response from any caring human being. The evil and rage are almost impossible to comprehend.  Hopefully, this information will be helpful. 

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    Speaking Psychologically Gambling Addictions 11-27-2012

    Dr.Braccio talks on the “Tony Conley Radio mersin anamur eskort bayanları Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 11/27/12 on Gambling Addiction

    Gambling Addiction is sadly too typical in our society.  Often the gambling addict and family try to hide the addiction and the pain is often not known by others except for extreme cases.  The key is to understand it is not just about winning but being addicted to the euphoric highs that come periodically when the person wins and wants them to return.  Most people have trouble comprehending this concept. 

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    Speaking Psychologically 11-20-12

    Dr.Braccio talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” kocasinan bayan arkadaş on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 11/20/12 About Thanksgiving


    Thanksgiving Day is a time of Individual Thanks.  It is a time to find things to be grateful for.  It can be a day to start on a positive life journey where greater appreciation for what we have leads to greater happiness in life.  Whether we do this regularly or never, let this Thanksgiving Day be a day to reflect on being grateful.  Typical things could be:  Belief in God, loving parents, loving children, loving spouse, great friends/ friendship, life itself, vision, the internet, your education, your favorite sports team, your favorite author, your favorite book, your favorite neighbor, your favorite city, the sun, wonderful memories, future dreams, life satisfaction, your work, mentors who have helped in life now or in the past, movies or your garden.  The list is as endless as a person’s life experiences and dreams for the future. 

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    Dealing with an 8 year old with bad behavior

    Dr.Braccio talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on anamur escort kızlar 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 11/13/12 about an 8 year old with bad behavior



    She thinks she is always right and gets everyone mad at her both at home and school.  Teachers are annoyed with her attitude and it does not allow her to keep friends. The parents need a new approach that is fresh.  They cannot worry about what they have done wrong but what can be done to correct the situation 

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    Speaking Psychologically 9-11-12

    An interesting topic could be–POSSIBLE karatay escort POSSITIVE EFFECTS OF DIVORCE–Divorce is a horrible experience under the best of circumstances. Regardless of the situation at the time of the divorce it is a time of shattered dreams of days gone by.  With that said positive effects can be–1.A new career.  2.Better self-esteem.  3.End of physical and/or emotional divorce. 4.Positive parenting experience without a negative spouse.  5.Get rid of a controlling spouse.  5.Financial independence now or in the future. 

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    It’s Time for Parents to Prepare for the New School Year

    It’s Time for Parents to Prepare for kocasinan bayan numaraları the New School Year



    Dr. Braccio talks with Tony Conley on the Tony Conley Show on 9/4/12 about parents preparing themselves and their children for the new school year.  Children and parents need a predictable environment for both to thrive successfully and even sometimes co-exist in the same home!  I can guarantee you with countless cases I have worked with that many homes are in chaos over school matters much of the time due to poor organization and communication.  Now is the time to change that.

    Personal Success

    Dr. Braccio talks with Tony Conley on 8/14/12 about how success and failure when used appropriately can help a person have a good self-esteem.What is the meaning of personal success to every person and what is konya merkez eskort the meaning of personal failure to every person?  Of course, each is part of the process of the successful high self-esteem person.
    To listen to this segment, go to our Speaking Psychologically podcast tab.

    The Wisconsin Massacre

    It appears Wade Michael Page was silifke eskort ilanları a hateful homicidal sociopathic murderer.  Sadly, this is becoming more common with the breakdown of the family and a society seemingly dividing into more and more competing angry groups.  The sociopath and easily led person can be at their worst in such an environment.  A poor economy and lack of spirituality only make things worse. Even excluding these problem areas there will always be evil persons doing evil deeds.  We need to do our best at identifying such persons and trying to make as sure as possible they do not become such persons or do such horrible acts.  On a lighter note, a University of Notre Dane study found honesty can help your health.

    Loyalty As Part of Character Development

    This topic was discussed by Dr. Braccio with Tony Conley on the Toney Conley Show on 7/7/12.  A sense of loyalty is something most of us hopefully gain in family interactions or early in life in important personal interactions.  Loyalty is a learned behavior that once developed allows one to develop positive relationships with family, friends, important persons in our lives and systems that require loyalty to succeed. President John Hannah turned down the Secretary of Defense when President Dwight Eisenhower offered it to him in 1957 because he had much to do at Michigan State University for all the current and future citizens he karatay kadın escort could help with his vision for a Land Grant University helping the world.  The famous story of the loyal dog who visited the grave of his master for fourteen years is a wonderful and powerful example of loyalty.  It is common sense if you are seen as loyal by family, friends, at work and in general interactions with others you will be respected and much happier than the person who lacks loyalty and is spurned/not trusted by others.


    If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly.

    Speaking Psychologically 7-10-12

    Listen to Dr. Braccio discuss Worker Negativity in Difficult Times  

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    Dr.Braccio discusses worker negativity and what to do to change it on silifke eskort numaraları the Toney Conley Show.  Worker negativity is an unfortunate outcome in the workplace.  This is particularly true in this ongoing period of high unemployment, underemployment and job uncertainty.  Common examples of worker negativity are as follows:  1.  Too much work/workload  2.  Concerns on ability of management to effectively manage company/system.  3.  Anxiety and fear for current and future work security.  4.  Lack of recognition for hard work and effort.  5.  Little or no involvement in decisions about your job.  Common solutions by the employer are as follows.  1.  Seek employee input, listen and give honest feedback.  2.  Fairness.  3.  Model desired behaviors and attitudes.  4.  Build team morale.  5.  Develop a vision and inspire staff to buy into it and work hard to accomplish it.  6.  Honesty in all interactions.  7.  Ongoing feedback.

    Retirement Blog

    The last Q/A newsletter we sent out related to a woman who wants to retire but her husband wants her to keep working until he can retire. As the baby boomers reach retirement age, questions about when mersineskort to retire are very common.  I deal with them regularly.  Typical questions are as follows: 1. Can I/we afford to retire now.  2. If not, when?  3.  Should I retire and get another job?  4.  Should I/we retire and move?  5.  Can we live the rest of our projected lives on what resources we have?  6.  What do you do when you want to retire and your house, which you planned to be part of your retirement financial resources, has lost a lot of equity that you may need?  7.  Will I have purpose in life? etc.