How to Come Back From Personal Rejection and Feel Good About Yourself

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 11/24/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They discuss how you must not let rejection of karatay olgun bayan you by others define who you are. You can learn from rejection to become a stronger person and determine how to better manage your life and relationships.

The Human Face of Homicidal Evil in Paris

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 11/16/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They talk about the pathological personality of bayan escort mersin the sociopathic murderers in Paris. It is very hard for the average person to comprehend how a sociopath can kill a person face to face with a gun, cut off a head with a knife, set a person on fire, crucify someone, bury someone alive, or any other brutal way for no reason other than they want to. When you take the homicidal sociopathic person and add a perverted religious rational, one can see the brutal murders committed from ISIS have a despicable rational.

How Does One Deal With Envious People?

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 11/9/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.People can be cancerous to you when they konya merkez olgun bayan envy you for what they lack. Envious people try to put negativity to you in any way they can. Their purpose is to minimize you, your abilities, your accomplishments, and your goals.

MSU and Nebraska Football Games

On “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 11/2/15, Dr.Braccio discusses with Jack Ebling and Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal, about the silifke escort numaraları upcoming football game at Nebraska. They discuss the great tradition of Nebraska football and what MSU needs to do to psychologically prepare against a proud team that has lost a number of close football games this year.


When Comparison With Others Can Be Positive For Our Personal Growth

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 11/3/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They discuss when comparison kocasinan escort ilanları with others can be positive for our personal growth. If our self-esteem is strong, then comparing ourselves to others in an upward direction can help us be better at achieving goals personally and professionally in our lives.

The Lack of Resiliency in Young People

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 10/13/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They discuss the lack of resiliency noted in so konya merkez bayan arkadaş many young persons. They discuss what it is, how it develops and what might be done to change it. They also discuss a few thoughts on the upcoming Michigan State and Michigan Football game.

What Do Kids Want and Need From Their Parents?

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 9/29/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.What do kids want and need from their parents? Sadly, in today’s world too many parents try to woo anamur eskort kızlar their children with things or always having friends with them at family time and family outings. Children need their parent’s time, support, modeling and helping in directing their lives to be effective and caring human begins.

Kids Want Their Parents, Not “Stuff”

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Dr.Braccio: We always try silifke eskort ilanları to give everything we can to our two children and give them opportunities we never had. Granted, we’ve not always gone to as many of their events as our parents did and as we have wanted because of our heavy work schedules, but both of us have always been involved as best we can and try to be around to help. What hurts us is that both children told us that they feel they’re second in our lives and even though they love and appreciate their grandparents, they feel they are asked to do our work. They want us around them more. We’ve tried to talk to them and explain the work situation, but both are not happy with us. Our parents feel we need to slow down in our careers and have more quality time with the kids as they did with us. We wonder if they’re brats or if we’re the problem. What’s wrong here? What’s missing that makes two early teens so upset?


Let me begin by complimenting you for trying to give every opportunity to your children that you never had. This is a noble goal. What is missing is the bonding with your children that you had with your parents. Ironically, even though you had less, your relationship with your parents was better than what you both have with your children. To have “things” is wonderful, but they do not make up for involved parenting, family bonding and the love that comes from close family relationships.

Your children want more time with both of you. Your parents are right when they say you need more “quality time” with your children. They want you more involved in their lives. They want you at their events and as integral parts of their lives. That they have not chosen peer relationships over both of you is a tribute to your parents and very positive in this day and age. They have worked to maintain the sense of family with your children as they instilled it in both of you. If they were brats, they would want more things and not more time with both of you.

A problem is that you want your parents to take on your role with the children. Your children have a legitimate concern here. Accept this and realize you need to take on the role of active and involved parents now or forever lose this role. Also remember in a few years they will be on their own. If you want a long term close relationship, you need to cement the bonding they obviously want.

You obviously have a strong sense of family and great love for your children. They obviously love both of you. What they are crying out for is more love in the form of your time and less things. To honor their request would be a demonstration of the love you have for them.

A good suggestion would be for you two to examine what is important in life and make plans accordingly. You need to look at your careers and time commitments in relation to family commitments. Finding the balance is a problem for many persons. I am sure your love will give you direction.

What You Can Do To Raise Your Self-Confidence

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 9/22/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They discuss what you can silifke escort numaraları do to raise your self -confidence. We often notice that successful people exude confidence to all who interact with them. Confidence is not something that exists on its own. It is the result of developing some key characteristics.



College Football Psychologically Bonds People Together

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 9/15/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They discuss how is it possible that human beings ranging from children to chieftains of government and industry can be so excited and emotionally involved in a football game? Anyone in Spartan Stadium on Saturday night for the colossal game between konya merkez escort MSU and Oregon or watching it on national television could not challenge this. What is it that psychologically connects someone who puts a tire on a car and a y wealthy philanthropist like Ambassador Peter Secchia in their love for MSU football? What impact does a game have on one’s mental health? How can a game be important for the mental health of a person? Is this reasonable?

Choosing A Career Combining Passion and Practicality

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 9/8/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They discuss HOW CAN A YOUNG PERSON COMBINE PASSION AND PRACTICALITY WHEN CHOOSING A CAREER? This is critical as the proverb says: THE BEST OF karatay olgun bayan WINDS WILL NOT HELP A SHIP THAT STEERS FOR NO PORT. They discuss the importance of making a good career choice in today’s world of enormous college loans with countless students getting non-marketable degrees or languishing in college raising debt with little direction. I believe much of this needs to occur at school and the home. The school becomes even more critical in career counseling if the home cannot give specific or even general direction. Experts in career counseling in communities are also available.


Psychological Human Panic Caused By Losses in the Stock Market

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 9/1/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan. They talk about the psychological fear and even severe trauma people have as their investments evaporate in Stock Market corrections and/or melt downs.The very quality of one’s life in retirement is on the line for many every silifke eskort numaraları day. Even when a person can retire can be extended by years in a brief period of time in the stock market. An ongoing sad situation for retirees and others with 401k-type accounts is that they cannot rely on traditionally safe 5-6 percent bond funds but often must rely on equities/stocks and their inherent volatility.

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 8/25/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan

Dr. Braccio talks on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 8/25/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They discuss how Donald Trump continues to be a meteor-like psychological konya merkez escort phenomenon. We discuss how this could possibly be when the majority of talking heads on the left and right either minimize or detest him. As some in effect have stated, could it be as in George Orwell’s Animal Farm that workers/citizens cannot distinguish between the members of the two all-powerful ruling clubs? A professor questions if it is possible THE PEOPLE want an ALPHA-MALE champion? There is not an answer at this time but this situation is fascinating from a psychological perspective.


Dr. Braccio and Dave Akerly follow through with solutions from a previous segment on FATHERLESS AMERICA. The solutions will hopefully be informative and helpful. They also briefly discuss the Sociopathic Personality Disorder on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 8/18/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.

Dr.Braccio and Dave Akerly follow through with solutions from a previous segment kocasinan escort on FATHERLESS AMERICA. The solutions will hopefully be informative and helpful. They also briefly discuss the Sociopathic Personality Disorder on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 8/18/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.

Ex In-Law’s Comment was Ill-Timed

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Dr.Braccio: I’ve been very fortunate over the konya merkez bayan arkadaş years to have the parents of my ex-husband help me raise my two now teenage girls. They’ve been wonderful and treat me like their own daughter. Their father left when they were infants and has nothing to do with his girls and little to do with his parents. His parents are generous and have more than made up for the child support he’s never paid. The problem is that I’m very hurt and upset with the grandmother of the children. In a run-in with my fourteen year old over her curfew, she asked if I wanted to run her out like I did their father. I was shocked and asked her why she said that. She said her grandmother has told her I ran him out. I started crying and said that wasn’t true. My daughter then said she was sorry she said it. I don’t know what to do now. She and her sixteen year old sister both say their grandmother has sometimes said that. They’ve not said anything for fear of hurting my feelings. Their father is an alcoholic and he was abusive to me emotionally and physically and regularly ran around on me. I only divorced him when he left us and moved to Texas with the woman who would become his second wife. Obviously the grandmother knows all this. I’d not talked to the kids about this because I thought it would serve no purpose. I’ve now told them. Was I wrong? Should I confront their grandmother?


You were not wrong. Your daughters are old enough to know what happened to the marriage of their parents. Particularly, when the father has abandoned them.

Assuming the grandmother has said this various times over the years, you were right in a factual and informative manner to explain to your daughters why you divorced their father and what he did to you. They are at an age where this would be appropriate. Hopefully, you did it from the perspective not as a victim but as someone who has overcome it. That is true and a tribute to you.

I would think the father’s absence from their lives would speak volumes on what type of father he is. Good parents stay involved in the lives of their children and bad parents do not.

The fact he lives in Texas and is not involved at all in the lives of his daughters makes the argument you ran him out rather absurd. Even if it were true, are you then to blame for his living in Texas and his total lack of involvement with his children? Rubbish!

I believe you need to confront the grandmother on this. To not do it will most likely lead to escalating anger and hurt in you. It is best for your mental health to address the issue now. The possibilities of resolving it are much greater now than after a possible terrible confrontation where your anger and rage, and hurt could come forward like a raging volcano.

To resolve it in an open fashion will potentially eliminate such statements by her in the future.

Even if horribly inappropriate, and I am not excusing her, parents sometimes make statements to defend the indefensible in their children. Even though hard to do, it would be wise to judge her by how she has treated you and the children over the years more than these unfair comments. By your own words, her caring for you and the children seems genuine when judged by her support over the years.

To separate the unfair and even cruel statements from the years of love and support she has given to you will be hard, but I suggest you try to do it. It appears she has been as loving to the three of you as he has not. This appears to be an inconsistency in an otherwise loving person.

You have now explained to your daughters what happened in the marriage. The fact they did not previously say something so they would not hurt your feelings shows their love for you. That it came out in an angry exchange is unfortunate but understandable.

To whatever level you are comfortable, a spiritual perspective could be helpful to you as you get over this hurt.


Dr. Braccio and Dave Akerly talk about HABITS THAT SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE POSSESS on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 8/11/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.

Dr. Braccio and Dave Akerly talk about HABITS THAT SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE POSSESS on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 8/11/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.It seems basic but so many people cannot figure them out in their lives and see psychologists like mersin anamur eskort bayanları me and others as they seek the answers in their too often unsuccessful lives. The following habits are mentioned:

  1. Control their emotions.
  2. Knowledgeable of their work settings, expectations, and job functions.
  3.  Consistent, predictable, and methodical.
  4. Project positive karma. They are likeable.
  5. Impress people when they meet them. They are remembered.
  6. Take one step at a time when reaching for a goal.
  7. Never wander from a goal they feel they can attain.
  8. Honest.
  9. Appreciative.
  10. Always learning.
  11. Complete the task.
  12. Close the deal.