Dr. Braccio and Dave Akerly talk about what people need to do to take control of their lives when they have lost interest and passion for their work on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 7/28/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.

Dr.Braccio and Dave Akerly talk about what people need to do to take control of their lives when they have lost interest and karatay bayan partner passion for their work. If they do not do this, life may pass them by. Whether people like their job or not, they must always be preparing for the next job in a constantly changing and fast paced world where available information doubles every six years.




Dr. Braccio has a fun talk With Jack Ebling, Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal, and Doug Warren, Detroit Lions Historian, on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 7/14/15 as they discuss the FANTASY MSU SPORTS EQUIVALENT of Mount Rushmore. You will hear my argument on why Biggie Munn should be the fourth person on the Spartan Mount Rushmore. With a chuckle, I did mention Coach Dantonio is near the statues with a chisel in his hand as he continues his great coaching career. The following is what Jack Ebling sent me prior to our fun talk.

Dr. John H. Braccio, don’t know if you heard yesterday’s show, but Joe and I spent all three hours selecting Michigan State’s Mount Rushmore honorees for men’s basketball, football, all other sports and coaches/administrators. Then, with 16 selections, we set out to pick the mersin escort final four faces to chisel.  We agreed on Hannah, Earvin and Izzo. But we need you to break a tie and help pick the fourth face.  The final candidates are Munn, Daugherty and the Spartans’ greatest player, George Webster.  Today, Graham, Terry and I will pick the best from Mid-Michigan, including the prep ranks.  Wednesday, Tom and I will pick the best from U-M and the Big Ten. Thursday, Rico and I will pick the top Lions, Tigers and Pistons.  And Friday, Neil and I will do the same for hockey, golf, tennis, Olympic sports, etc.  So give it some thought and be ready to defend your choice of Munn, Daugherty or Webster for the final MSU Mount Rushmore spot. Talk to you at 3:48!

Don’t Worry About Your B Student

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Dr.Braccio; Our daughter kocasinan bayan numaraları will begin her senior year next year. We are very proud of her solid B average as an honors student. Our concern is that all of her friends are honor students who get straight As. She is happy but sometimes complains how many hours she studies. We have advised her to just do her best and not worry. She says she always wants to do better but is not overly critical of her performance. We worry about when her friends will all go off to prestigious schools and she will not. What do you think?


As you said, your daughter “is happy”. She gives every indication of being very successful in life. Getting straight As is wonderful and to be sought after, but success and happiness in life goes to the person who works hard, appreciates success, accepts what one can do, and does not give up. Your daughter is loaded with these qualities.

It is positive your daughter chooses to have friends who strive for academic success. Excellence for her is trying hard and doing her best. The important thing is for your daughter to not negatively compare her grades with others. She must compare her performance with herself and no one else. If she does this, and she apparently does, then happiness and success will be hers her whole lifetime.

Even if she does not get all As, competing with the best in honor classes and getting Bs is arguably better than getting As against less talented and/or committed students. Her hard work in classes will help her do well when going to college. It also is positive and mentally healthy that she “is not critical of her performance”.

If you feel the pressure of life is so heavy on her that her mental health is suffering, then you might talk to her about taking less competitive classes. This does not seem to be the case and it appears she desires to continue as she is. With that said, to keep monitoring her mental health is good parenting. You might feel better and get some good perspective by talking to the school counselor about this situation.

You need to always let her know how proud you are of her hard work and solid academic performance. Make sure your concerns, which might not be hers, do not become her concerns by being negatively influenced by you.

As far as college goes, I am sure she, with your support, will come up with an excellent choice. She may not go to Harvard, but she will predictably go to a fine school, have solid academic success, and have a fine life. She sounds like a delightful young person.

Considering she is taking honors classes and works so hard, you may be surprised the colleges she can go to. You can look into this yourself as well as get information from the high school counselor. Someone like your daughter, if she desires, may end up high on the list of some prestigious colleges.

As a final comment, your daughter, like all children, needs ongoing encouragement and support. Clearly, her desire to succeed is burning brightly for all to see. Be proud of her and your parenting. It is obvious good things are going on in your home.

Dr. Braccio and Dave Akerly talk about how THE IMPACT ON CHILDREN OF FATHERLESS HOMES continues to be an ongoing crisis that is too infrequently discussed on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 7/7/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.

Dr. Braccio and Dave Akerly talk about how THE IMPACT ON CHILDREN OF FATHERLESS HOMES continues to be an ongoing crisis that is too infrequently discussed on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 7/7/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.By any standard, it is devastating emotionally, physically, socially, and educationally konya merkez escort for so many children. The following statistics are breathtaking and clearly show the result of fatherless homes.

  1. 43% of US children live without their father.
  2. 90% of homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.
  3. 80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger come from fatherless homes.
  4. 71 % of pregnant teenagers lack a father.
  5. 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes.
  6. 85% of children who exhibit behavior disorders come from fatherless homes.
  7. 90% of adolescent repeat arsonists live with only their mother.
  8. 71% of high school drop-outs come from fatherless homes.
  9. 75% of adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes.
  10. 70% of juveniles in state operated institutions have no father.
  11. 85% of youths in prison grew up in a fatherless home.
  12. Fatherless boys and girls are twice as likely to drop out of high school, twice as likely to end up in jail, four times more likely to need help for emotional or behavioral problems.


Dr. Braccio has a fun talk With Jack Ebling and Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 6/30/15 as they discuss thoughts on the upcoming MSU Football Season. They also discuss briefly the new book by Dr. David Young about the long standing rivalry between MSU and U of M. He specifically is dealing with the interactions/confrontations of educational titans President John Hannah of Michigan State University and Professor Ralph Aigler of the University of Michigan during the period MSU was trying to become a member in the Big Ten Athletic Conference.

Dr. Braccio has a fun talk With Jack Ebling and Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 6/30/15 as they discuss thoughts on the upcoming MSU Football Season.They also discuss briefly the new book by kocasinan olgun bayanlar Dr. David Young about the long standing rivalry between MSU and U of M. He specifically is dealing with the interactions/confrontations of educational titans President John Hannah of Michigan State University and Professor Ralph Aigler of the University of Michigan during the period MSU was trying to become a member in the Big Ten Athletic Conference.


Dr. Braccio and Dave Akerly talk about the astounding murderous tragedy in Charleston and the love and resilience of Christians in that community on the“Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 6/23/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan

They discuss the shock to the collective psyche of Charleston and the nation that such an evil act could be committed by someone who had been accepted into a prayer group, spent an hour with them, and then murdered them.The level of brazen evil konya merkez eskort is hard to understand. The dignity of family members of those murdered praying for Dylan Roof, the person who had murdered their family members is a timeless shining example of the best that Christianity has to offer. They are Christians of an amazing type we generally only read about.



Dr. Braccio has a fun talk With Jack Ebling and Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 6/16/15 on the possible reasons Coach Meyer of Ohio State and Coach Harbaugh of U/M have praised the MSU Football Program. They also discuss the need for MSU to keep a chip on the shoulder or keep the fire in the belly to continue MSU’s Winning Tradition. They also discuss why Coach Dantonio put the football score of the 2015 MSU/UM game of 35-11 on the Cotton Bowl Championship Ring. Was he rubbing it in?

Dr. Braccio has a fun talk With Jack Ebling and Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 6/16/15 on the possible reasons Coach Meyer of Ohio State and Coach Harbaugh of U/M have praised the MSU Football Program.They also discuss the need for MSU to kocasinan olgun bayanlar keep a chip on the shoulder or keep the fire in the belly to continue MSU’s Winning Tradition. They also discuss why Coach Dantonio put the football score of the 2015 MSU/UM game of 35-11 on the Cotton Bowl Championship Ring. Was he rubbing it in?


How Could A Prison Employee Like Joyce Mitchell Fall For The Charms Of A Sociopathic Homicidal Murderer?

Dr. Braccio discusses why a prison employee like Joyce Mitchell could fall for the charms of a sociopathic homicidal murderer and help him and another equally evil murderer escape from prison on the “Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 6/16/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.The Phenomenon is called Hybristophilia by many and karatay bayan escort occurs often with women attracted to incarcerated murderers and other evil sociopaths.

The Psychological Parental Trauma of the Death of a Child

Dr. Braccio discusses on the “Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 6/2/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m.in Lansing, Michigan, how brutally cruel emotionally is the death of escort bayan mersin Beau Biden for Vice President Biden.  To bury a child is a horrible tragedy out of sequence.  That he lost a daughter and also a wife in 1972 only magnifies the emotional grieving and loss. In addition to having done therapy with many persons over the decades who have experienced the loss of a child. I grew up in my home where my brother had died less than a year before I was born. My home always had his picture and bronzed shoes highly visible to see by both visitors and family. My parents believed God sent me to help them overcome their terrible loss.  His memory was cherished in a psychologically healthy manner. I believe parents can move on after the loss of a child but they never can fully get over the tragedy and psychological pain. We discuss how parents psychologically can attempt to deal with the loss of a child.

Mental Rehearsal Psychological Techniques To Deal With Difficult Situations

Dr. Braccio discusses on the “Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 5/26/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m.in Lansing, Michigan anamur eskort bayan about Mental Rehearsal Psychological Techniques to deal with stressful situations we will encounter as we live our lives. Effective people ranging from athletes to top political leaders and CEOs use these techniques. Typical psychological techniques would include hypnosis, deep relaxation, visualization, positive imagination outcome, role playing, and cognitive restructuring.


How Families Must Prepare, Plan, and Work Together When a Non-Working Parent Must Return to Work

Dr. Braccio discusses on the “Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 5/5/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m.in Lansing, Michigan about necessary changes in the home when a non-working parent must return silifke eskort ilanları to work. In such situations, there is a need for family discussion and planning for resulting changes in responsibilities clearly spelled out. Everyone needs to know the love and caring for each other will not change due to the required work change.


Prepare Kids For Mom’s Return to Work

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Dr. Braccio:     My wife and I are the proud parents of two mature high school teenagers who are doing fine.Our problem is that my income is actually going down silifke eskort ilanları and our increasing costs are causing us to have a hard time financially. We decided years ago to not have my wife work so there is always one parent near. The success of the children convinces us we’ve made the right decision. Now we feel we must change and my wife needs to reenter the work place. She has kept her computer skills up and is marketable. She’s willing but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. What should we do? I feel somewhat like a loser. My wife says this is not my fault and we’ll be fine.


You are not a loser and you will be fine. The success of the children and the marriage relate to the decision you both made many years ago. For many people, these are tough economic times. This is only enhanced when you have high school teenagers and something as basic as gas is over two dollars a gallon.

The problem is that your world has changed with your income going down and your expenses going up. That the children are older and mature and your wife is willing and able to work are positive factors if your wife goes back to work.

As a family, talk about what responsibilities each of you has. You need to divide up home responsibilities more effectively if your wife is to work. The children particularly need to know changes will occur. It seems they are mature enough to deal with this. Assuming your wife goes back to work, the next question is the amount of time she will work. Obviously, working part-time is better than full time as far as causing less home disruption. This may not be possible. The children may need to work more and pay more of their own expenses if they do not already.

Even though it is positive to plan for the future in your situation, you two can applaud the success you have had as a family over the years. To raise two mature teenagers doing fine in this day and age is very difficult. You two have done it. This will not change with your wife returning to work. You also need to know that millions of couples both work and are effective as parents and family members.

A positive way to look at this is simply that you wife will work a few years earlier than after the youngest graduates from high school. This is in effect just an earlier beginning of your post “empty nest syndrome” life.

As a final thought, you may find by reducing expenses or taking out a home equity loan or refinancing your home that you wife can stay home until your youngest is out of high school. However, you need to talk to someone versed in finances before you make this type of decision.

Psychology of The Mob

Dr. Braccio discusses the Psychology of the Mob as Demonstrated in Baltimore on 4/27/15, on the “Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 4/28/15 on WILS, 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan.They specifically talk about what happens to the psyche of the basically calm and peaceful citizen who becomes a looting and destructive part kocasinan bayan numaraları of the mob.



Dr. Braccio talks on the WILS Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly Show ON 3/31/15 ON 1320 A.M. IN LANSING, MICHIGAN ABOUT THE HUGE PSYCHOLOGICAL LIFT FOR MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND FANS EVERYWHERE AS COACH TOM IZZO’S SPARTANS AGAIN GO THE FINAL FOUR BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT IN INDIANAPOLIS.In a world of many responsibilities, difficulties, frustrations, disappointments and tensions for people, many fans can identify with a group of hard working blue collar Spartans who in unlikely fashion have made another historic journey eskort mersin to the Final Four. It is a feel good story where Spartan Fans and others can get psychological enjoyment by joining in on the ride. I hear “Go Green and Go White” whenever I go somewhere wearing anything with MSU on it. I even received comments of excitement from long-time friends in both California and Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Dr. Braccio talks on the WILS Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly Show on 3/27/15 on 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan on the CO-PILOT’S MENTAL STATUS DURING HIS MURDEROUS CRASH OF HIS PLANE IN FRANCE.

Dr. Braccio talks on the WILS Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly Show on 3/27/15 on 1320 a.m.in Lansing, Michigan on the CO-PILOT’S MENTAL STATUS karatay bayan arkadaş DURING HIS MURDEROUS CRASH OF HIS PLANE IN FRANCE.

Dr. Braccio says murder is the appropriate definition of what happened and not suicide. Whatever the reason, this is a clear representation of human evil perpetuated on other innocent human beings.

Dr. Braccio talks on the WILS Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly Show on 3/24/15 on 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan on HOW TO GET FOCUS TO MOVE FORWARD ON YOUR FUTURE WHEN YOU AT BEST ARE CONFUSED AND AT WORST CLUELESS. In my work, it is surprising how many intelligent and well trained persons live unhappy lives because of lack of focus and resulting unsatisfactory life experiences.

Dr. Braccio talks on the WILS Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly Show on 3/24/15 on 1320 a.m.in Lansing, Michigan on HOW TO GET FOCUS TO MOVE FORWARD ON YOUR FUTURE silifke eskort ilanları WHEN YOU AT BEST ARE CONFUSED AND AT WORST CLUELESS. In my work, it is surprising how many intelligent and well trained persons live unhappy lives because of lack of focus and resulting unsatisfactory life experiences.

Lack of focus in life is arguably one of the great impediments to one’s success in life. To reach our goals in life, we need focus as we direct all our energies and abilities to accomplish our dreams. Too many people muddle through their lives riding the jalopy called mediocrity.

The following are some points to follow to help get better focus in your life:

  1. Acknowledge your confusion and call a time out to assess yourself.
  2. Set aside some time and examine your past/present/future in a way to better understand yourself and help inspire you to do your best with resulting focus. The following proverb is a helpful thought: “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable”.
  3. Talk to friends and trusted family members and associates about how they perceive you and what they feel would best help you develop focus in life.
  4. Seek out possible mentors who in a non-threatening manner can give you insight into yourself and how to best develop better focus in your life.
  5. Seek out professional persons who can help you better develop your focus. They would include a career counselor or psychologist experienced in work related matters.
  6. Process all the feedback.
  7. Then do a critical self-examination and prepare for the future with a plan to better develop focus to help you achieve your goals.
  8. Once you move forward to develop focus in life, never lose faith in your ability to make good decisions that will allow success and happiness in your life. Steve Jobs of Apple said it best in the following quote: “You have to trust in something. Your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down and it has made all the difference in my life”.

Dr. Braccio Talks On the WILS Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly Show on 3/10/15 on 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan on WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE. Included would be: 1. Lifelong commitment. 2. Fighting fairly. 3. Enjoying each other. 4. Find the positive in each other. 5. Grow together and enhance each other. 6. Similar spiritual/moral outlooks on life. 7. 60/40 rule where each gives 60% and receives 40%. The result is a positive 50/50 relationship.


Dr. Braccio Talks On the WILS Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly Show on 3/10/15 on 1320 a.m.in Lansing, Michigan on konya merkez kadın numaraları WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE. Included would be: 1. Lifelong commitment. 2. Fighting fairly. 3. Enjoying each other. 4. Find the positive in each other. 5. Grow together and enhance each other. 6. Similar spiritual/moral outlooks on life. 7. 60/40 rule where each gives 60% and receives 40%. The result is a positive 50/50 relationship.


Dr. Braccio Talks With Dave Akerly on the WILS Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly Show on 3/3/15 on 1320 a.m. in Lansing, Michigan about JEALOUSY. I have sadly been involved way too many times in my work as a psychologist where completely false charges of infidelity have destroyed potentially life long loving marriages. As is often the case in English, Shakespeare states it so well: IT IS THE GREEN EY’D MONSTER,WHICH DOTH MOCK THE MEAT IT FEEDS ON. Jealousy is so insidious, incomprehensible, and hard to overcome that it perplexes even the most perceptive and logical amongst us. Spock himself would be amazed as he saw a human trait that is so illogical. They discuss what Jealousy is and how to overcome it.

Dr. Braccio Talks With Dave Akerly on the WILS Morning Wake Up With Dave Akerly Show on 3/3/15 on 1320 a.m.in Lansing, Michigan konya merkez kadın numaraları about JEALOUSY. I have sadly been involved way too many times in my work as a psychologist where completely false charges of infidelity have destroyed potentially life long loving marriages. As is often the case in English, Shakespeare states it so well:  IT IS THE GREEN EY’D MONSTER,WHICH DOTH MOCK THE MEAT IT FEEDS ON. Jealousy is so insidious, incomprehensible, and hard to overcome that it perplexes even the most perceptive and logical amongst us. Spock himself would be amazed as he saw a human trait that is so illogical. They discuss what Jealousy is and how to overcome it.