Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 6/24/14

Dr.Braccio talks about his belief that we must be prepared and mersin anamur eskort bayanları take advantage of opportunities when they come.  Sadness and ever despair can occur when our life becomes worse through bad choices at moments of great opportunity.  Dr. Braccio and Tony start as a beginning point with the famous quote from Shakespeare of Brutus in the play, JULIUS CAESAR.

“There is a tide in the affairs of men.  Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures”.

Dr. Braccio Talks With Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal and Jack Ebling on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 6/10/14

Dr. Braccio Talks With Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal and Jack Ebling on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 6/10/14 about the loyalty of the long suffering Detroit Lions.  They discuss the following questions:  If only thirty thousand fans had shown karatay escort up for Detroit Lions games since the Ford ownership, would the record be the same?  For sure, this would not be the case in Miami.  The real question is the following:  Would the Lions be better, if like the Miami Heat fans, the Detroit Lion fans demanded a winner in order to fill the stadium?


Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 6/3/14

Dr.Braccio and Tony Conley discussed the extreme emotional distress that parents experience when a child mersin eskort has severe physical problems.  Suggestions are given on how to try to deal with the situations and how we can helpful to the parents.  This discussion is the follow up to Tony’s interview with Fox News Anchor Bret Baier about the agony he and his wife suffered when their new baby had five major problems with his little heart and about his new book:  Special Heart

Any questions or comments would be appreciated.

Homebody Son May Have Anxiety Disorder

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Dr.Braccio:  My husband and I have the odd situation of a twenty-nine year old son genç kızlar kocasinan living with us who has graduated from college, has a good job but chooses not to move out.  He loves his family and we’re glad to have him with us but wonder if we should push him to leave.  His older sister and my sister and brothers feel he needs to go and we should push the issue for his sake.  They feel he needs to date more and see other people.  He knows this and it bothers him.  In a moment of candor, he admitted he’s insecure and feels secure and happy when living with us and would rather not move.  What should we do?


This is not a simple “keep him” or “kick him out”.  While the majority of Americans might tell you to ease him out, any experienced therapist will tell you of the many lonely patients they work with, both parents and children, who are alone and depressed and feel rejected by their families.  The love you all share is not a gift to be taken lightly.

It also is true that “conventional wisdom”, such as suggested by his relatives, is not always right. Your son appears well balanced emotionally and happy living with you.  From the view point of family disintegration in modern America, your relationship is a triumph for families.

The only “red flag” is that he told you he is insecure.  To make him leave would not necessarily develop security; in fact, it could have the opposite results.

It would be wise for you and your husband to meet with your son and discuss his “insecurity”.  If you determine he is living with you out of fear of being alone and dealing with normal problems of adult life on his own, then you might try to help him to gradually move out.

You three do not appear to be in a co-dependent relationship where each of you is dependent on the other and stunted emotional growth is the result.

It could be helpful for your son to see a therapist experienced in anxiety disorders to see if he has any anxiety problems.  If he does, they could be remediated with counseling and/or medication to ease his tension and help allow him to make his choices more freely.

It also is possible you have an adult son and family member who want to live with his parents and regularly see his family until he meets someone to marry.  This is common in many cultures. For one example, the traditional Italian-American culture often encourages unmarried children to stay home until they are married.  Who has not heard an Italian-America son say, “No one makes pasta like mama”.

Whatever decision you make needs to be made by the three of you with open discussion and decision making.  You can listen to others, but the choice is yours.

Any questions and comments would be appreciated.

Dr. Braccio Talks About Memorial Day and the California Mass Murder on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 5/27/14

I hope your MEMORIAL DAY was special.We owe so much to so many who protect us daily so we can continue our unique quest for konya merkez kadın escort individual freedom within our representative republic.  We also can never forget those who have given the ultimate sacrifice of their very lives.

They discuss that it seems almost weekly we hear of a new mass murderer. Elliot Rodger particularly disliked women but used a knife to kill two male roommates and a third male that was there. He then killed two women and one male before he apparently killed himself. He also wounded thirteen others.  Even though his parents alerted the police he did not do anything or say anything in an interview that the police felt they could use to take him off the streets.  His two guns were obtained legally and one does not need a permit to get random knives. What was the cause of this and what can we do as individuals to protect ourselves, others and the potential violent person from such acts of pure horror?  Obviously, society has few answers at this time beyond the unacceptable choice of taking a number of people off the streets who would never harm anyone.  Additional community awareness and targeted mental health services could be helpful in a society with growing individual isolation and alienation.

Any questions or comments would be appreciated.

Dr. Braccio Talks About The Nigerian Kidnapping Tragedy on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 5/20/14

What could possibly motivate the evil thinking that would allow BOKO HARAM terrorist members to believe it is spiritually and morally acceptable to kidnap 276 high school female students and have their leader say HE PLANS TO SELL THE GIRLS INTO MARRIAGES AND SEX SLAVERY? This is a perverse extreme of the evil humans can engender in themselves and potentially unleash against other human beings.These are those konya merkez eskort crucial times we can all say we are ONE and hope forces for good can unite against such despicable acts. It appears this is happening at this time. Also, does not prayer seem helpful as we can see predominantly Christian young women forced to wear Moslem clothing and chant as if converted Moslems? Clearly, it is my view a just God would want religious conversion to come from the heart regardless of religious beliefs. This whole absolutely horrible ongoing episode of human misery psychologically shows us the importance for each of us not beginning the fatal first step into false indoctrination which can cause each of us and those we encounter great harm

Dr. Braccio Talks on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” on 5/6/14

Dr. Braccio Talks on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show with Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal and Jack Ebling on 5/6/14 about the dangers in sports specifically and life in general of condemning a good person who makes an error in judgment in a public or private setting but otherwise leads an exemplary life.  They also discuss the silifke eskort numaraları need for friends to have confidential discussions without fear of someone betraying them.  It is important in a sports league to have a decision maker who can make fair decisions based on all the facts.


Rocky Adolescence is No Surprise

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Dr.Braccio:  Our fourteen-year old son has had a rocky and difficult eighth grade silifke eskort ilanları year.  He’s been in his first puppy love, which ended in disaster, has been crabby at home and school, wants to be part of the “in group” and continues to be obsessed with how he looks.  A little pimple on his face gets him upset.  As my husband laughs and says, “He’s a general pain in the wazzoo”.  He’s our oldest of four and we wonder if this is what we should expect.  We are a close family and talk a lot, but he’s difficult to deal with much of the time.


Welcome to puberty and middle school life in the family lives of adolescents and parents.  Things will be at least as complicated next year when he begins high school.

Adolescence is and has been a difficult time.  Children go from elementary school where relationships and body changes occur but nothing like the radical changes that occur in adolescence.  They become very aware of what they look like and too often seem to compete and compare themselves with others.  They become aware of sexuality and the opposite sex.  Feelings of unattractiveness, awkwardness and low self-esteem can cause so much hurt.  Even the changes of voice from the light timber of a child to the beginning of adult sound can be difficult.  A squeak every now and then is not unusual.

Social positioning also changes dramatically.  To be popular and part of the in crowd becomes far more complicated and difficult.  How fast you can gallop on the playground or how many dolls you have becomes irrelevant and is replaced with social graces and getting along with the opposite sex.  Of course, to be a good athlete is very helpful with social status. Unfortunately, to be a top academic student is too often not given enough status and parents and school personnel need to praise it.

Because everything is so new and solid maturity and personality balance are often lacking, it can be a very difficult for persons who do not fit in.  Adolescents are often even cruel as they criticize and ostracize those who are seen as slow and not cool.  This causes great pain in many boys and girls as they are going through so many physical and emotional changes and need to struggle to find self-satisfaction and self-esteem growth.  The lack of maturity and life experience in seemingly adult bodies often leads to bad decisions and conflicts with parents and school officials.

The positive thing is that most persons adjust to middle school and then high school after going through growing pains.

It is important during these adolescent years that you try hard to keep good communication open with our children.  We must listen to them, have their confidence and give them the best advice we can.  That is what good parenting is all about.

That you are close as a family is very important to “survive” the adolescence years of your children.  Parents must have developed strong bonding since birth to have the family strength to overcome the many societal and peer temptations that are so available to adolescence:  Inappropriate sexuality, illegal drugs, dare devil activities and poor peer choices to name a few.

A strong spiritual or strong moral sense of right and wrong must be in place to help your son and other children make good decisions and be a positive leader for his peers.  That he will make many mistakes is to be expected.  Make sure you are there to be a strong guide and example for him.  With your support, he will hopefully focus more and more on being a good person, friend, citizen, son, student and contributor to society.

Dr. Braccio Talks About Blatant Racist Statements on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 4/29/14

It was sad to hear Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy make insensitive and racist statements about African-Americans. I focus psychologically on the tremendous public opinion outrage against these living dinosaurs with views kocasinan escort ilanları from far worse times.  Hopefully, these men have views not shared by many.  Hate, evil, racism and bigotry will sadly always exist in some human beings of both genders and all races.  It is part of the makeup of flaws in human nature.  While no one is close to perfect, if we aim to do our best and tame our potential bad angels, then the world will be better for us and our future descendants.  The golden rule needs to be our motivation in interactions with others:  DO TO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO TO YOU.  To try to live to this standard would psychologically make each of us not a perfect person but a better person.

Dr. Braccio Talks on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show with Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal and Jack Ebling on 4/22/14 about how the continuing glow of the “Rose Bowl” will last for a long time. They discuss how the feelings for the future ongoing success for the program in 2014 are much higher than they were in 1988. They also discuss the 2014 football season. As always, the key is how the future will play out.

Dr. Braccio Talks on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show with Graham Couch of the Lansing State Journal and Jack Ebling on 4/22/14 about how the continuing glow of the “Rose Bowl” will last for a long time.  They discuss how the feelings for the future konya merkez kadın escort ongoing success for the program in 2014 are much higher than they were in 1988.  They also discuss the 2014 football season.  As always, the key is how the future will play out.



Dr. Braccio Talks About What Happens Psychologically if the Citizens of a Constitutional Republic Lose Faith in their Elected Officials in Washington, DC. on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 4/22/14

Dr.Braccio talks about what happens karatay bayan arkadaş psychologically if the citizens of a Constitutional Republic lose faith in their elected officials in Washington, D.C.  Sadly, he feels many citizens feel this way.  Hopefully, this will change over time.

Dr. Braccio Talks About The Loving Friendship between Cancer stricken Lacey Holsworth and MSU Basketball Star Adreian Payne on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 4/15/14

Dr.Braccio talks about the amazing relationship between “Princess kocasinan escort bayan Lacey” and Adreian Payne.

They both gained so much from each other.  It was a unique friendship of great love. No one can know the facts and not have tears of great happiness and sadness. I hope there is eventually a movie about the whole situation to make millions feel good about the human race. We read so much about the evil deeds of human beings that it is wonderful to see good deeds of human beings clothed in golden loving friendship. We need more of this. They each had great adversity and in their own ways nobly overcame them with their remarkable loving friendship.

Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” about How to Deal With Severe Disappointment in Life on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 4/1/14

How do you get over the disappointment of not getting your dream job?  How do you get past not getting the big account that could grow your business and change your life?  How do you get over not getting the big raise that could give your family financial security?   How does an athlete like Keith Appling get over a poor performance in his last game as a Spartan?