Dr. Braccio Talks on “The Drive With Jack Ebling” Radio Show on 730 a.m. on 3/25/14 about the psychology of the NCAA Basketball Tournament


Dr.Braccio talks with Jack Ebling and Graham Couch, of the Lansing eskort mersin State Journal, about the amazing emotion raging in the psyches of the players, coaches and fans in a one and out tournament such as the NCAA Basketball Tournament.  They discuss the emotions that must have been going thought he minds of Seniors Keith Appling and Adreian Payne when they saw their 16 point lead turn into a 2 point deficit and their careers could have ended.  They also discuss the heartbreak of Wichita State when losing to Kentucky when a last shot failed ending a historic 35 game winning streak.

Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” about the Powerful Human Emotions Relating to Malaysia Flight 370 on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 3/25/14

Flight 370 in Malaysia has generated great human interest for millions around the world.We can relate on kocasinan eskort bayan these factors among others:  We all fly.  We all could imagine this happening to us or someone we love.  We put our total trust in the pilots.  We have families and loved ones.  We can identify with losing a family member.  Who could imagine a 777 being lost for nearly two weeks?  What happened inside the plane?  What did the passengers know and when did they know it?  How did the passengers feel?  Additionally, there are concerns about potential terrorism, hope overtaking reality, the concern of evil versus good, and potential use of the 777 plane as a terrorism instrument.

Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” about Panic Attacks on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 3/18/14

Panic Attacks are devastating.  The person suffering one can feel mersin escort like he or she is dying with a severe heart attack or something equally serious.  Overcoming them is very difficult.  They also are more common than you might think.  Persons are often ashamed to talk about them.  20 percent of adult Americans or 60 million will have a panic attack sometime in their life.  1.7 percent or 3 million will have a full blown panic attack.

Take Steps To Get Your Worrying Under Control

QuestionJHB Third Picture

Dr.Braccio:  My worrying sent me to kocasinan escort ilanları the emergency room.  I thought I was going to die.  My whole body was trembling, my heart was pounding and I had a splitting headache.   I was told I had a panic attack and to quit worrying.  I’d like to but I am a worrier and feel I should be.  My mother and sisters are the same as me.  We laugh and agree I have just taken worrying to a new level.  My adult children and husband tell me to loosen up and stop seeing the worst possible outcome to everything.  I know they’re right, but what can I do to change?  I can’t have another panic attack.  I have medication from my family physician but want to control my own feelings without it.  I was actually worrying about an interview for a promotion my son was taking in Illinois when my panic attack began.


You need to relax, stop and smell the roses.  Do not believe you “should” be a worrier.  Life is too short to always be worrying and accepting it as a part of your life.  By expecting the worst, you take worrying over small every day matters to the level of “catastrophic “ events.

You can change but it will be hard because you have been at it for years.  Hopefully the fear of panic attacks can help you to change your outlook so it never happens again.  As you have found, panic attacks are horrible and to be avoided.

Whether your son got the promotion or not, your getting a panic attack and going to the hospital over it had no impact on his interview and caused you needless emotional and physical agony.

The following are some suggestions to help to reduce the possibilities of having another panic attack.

1.    Continue to meet with your physician about the use of medication. That may be necessary until you can take more control of your anxiety.

2.    Eliminate “should” from your vocabulary.  It infers a moral failure that you are not doing something you must do.  This leads to useless guilt.

3.    Replace the word “should” with a choice statement.  For example, “I choose to help or not help my neighbor today”, versus, “I should help my neighbor”.

4.    Smile and laugh when you feel intense and ready to worry.

5.    Recognize all the worrying in the world will not change what happens.

6.    Find joy in life everyday.

7.    Use deep breathing, self-hypnosis, meditation, yoga, music or any other way to relax and put the “tiger” to sleep and bring out the peaceful “lamb” in you.

8.    Recognize the emotional and physical cost of worrying.  The trip to the hospital and the agony of a panic attack show you the havoc worry does to your body and mind.

9.    Choose a worry time every day when you will worry and push worries away until that time  This can be very helpful.

10.  Exercising.

11.  Talking with a friend.

11.  Determine what you can realistically do day-by-day and do it.

12.  If necessary, seek out a therapist experienced in panic attack treatment if you cannot effectively get over your anxiety and any resulting panic attacks.

Any questions or comments would be appreciated.

Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 2/18/14

Keeping The Love In Your Marriage

 Dr.Braccio talks about the importance of mersineskort making your marriage an ongoing work of love.  Couples too often lose themselves as a loving couple with all the activities that can fill up their lives.  Get a calendar and work out time for the two of you to be together and never forget why you fell in love.

Any questions or comment would be appreciated.

Couple’s Best Chance to Rekindle Marriage Starts With Romance

QuestionJHB Third Picture

Dr.Braccio:  My husband and I have had to karatay bayan escort admit our marriage is in trouble.  We were once so in love. Now we’ve lost ourselves in raising our three children under ten years old and our jobs.  We even must accept friends have more quality contact with us than we do with each other.  We’re both discouraged but talking.  We don’t want a divorce.  We worry for the kids who know nothing about our problems and certainly want us together.  Is it too late?


It is never too late if two people want to renew their love and save their marriage.  The fact you are talking and do not want a divorce is positive.  The hard work now begins.

No one gains if your marriage breaks up.  It will most likely negatively impact on the children and leave both of you feeling defeated and rejected.

Few things hurt more than remembering golden memories and realizing you let slip opportunities for them to continue.  You have such an opportunity now and need to grab on to it as like the proverbial “brass ring”.

Recognize you will need to make the type of changes you need to do now if a new marriage were to succeed.  For everyone’s sake, do it now!

Your concern for your children is very legitimate when one sees the emotional damage that too often happens to children of divorce.  Unless there is abuse or you really hate each other, and that does not appear to be the case, to make their needs at least equal to yours is a good goal when you consider they did not ask to be brought into this world.

Reconnect to each other and place “red alert” priority on yourselves as a couple.  Seek the type of total commitment you had when you fell in love.  To immediately set time aside for just the two of you to enjoy each other is critical to the success of your marriage.

To do this is not to neglect your children, it is to rekindle the love that made their very existence occur.  You need new happy memories to replace the unhappy ones of the recent past.  Try to remember why you fell in love and work hard to reestablish the old romantic and magical feelings.  Build a bridge from your happy past to a happy present and future.  Think romantically and good things will happen.  Treat each other like your best friend.

A marriage encounter weekend could be wonderful since you both do not want a divorce.  This is a proactive approach to make the marriage work.  It also could add some spirituality to your marriage that could be helpful.

If you feel you need outside support, you can seek out a pastor and/or therapist experienced in such situations as yours.

The rewards for you and the children are so huge that no effort can be too great to keep your marriage together.

Any questions or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Positive Outlook Can Turn Life Around


JHB Third PictureQuestion

Dr.Braccio:  Even for me, I’m a difficult person to karatay genç kızlar be with.  I always have been.  This is particularly true when doing some drinking.  Even with this, I always find a man who puts up with me but eventually tires of my controlling and often sarcastic personality.  I also am very aggressive verbally.  My problem is that with four and five year old sons that I dearly love.  I need to be less critical of me and the men I date so I can find a good partner to share our lives.  I’ve run off some good ones.  What do you think?


You need to develop a more tolerant and positive outlook on people and life.  Regardless of whatever charm and positive traits you may have, no one can put up with a “controlling and often sarcastic personality” who is “very aggressive verbally”.  Any one of those traits would run good people away from you.  You also need to like yourself more and judge others and yourself less harshly.

Learn to relax and be more accepting, insightful, sensitive and tuned into people by not interpreting things negatively.  This will allow you to better understand their feelings and treat them well.  In the process, you will also be treating yourself very well.

Because you have various areas to change, the following are some suggestions to help you:

1.  Accept honest differences as legitimate and even positive.

2.  Do not look for flaws in others and be sarcastic and demean them.

3.  Do not hold grudges after you solve or try to solve a problem.

4.  Accept some disagreements do not have a solution.  Examples could be religion, politics,  school prayer, parenting methods or favorite foods.

5.  Seek out counseling from a therapist who can address anger management and the development of tolerance and empathy through personality change.  You also need to develop better self-esteem.  That appears to be the major cause of the grief you cause for yourself and others.

6.  As appropriate, seek out spiritual guidance that grants you peace and tames your negative feelings and hard heart.

7.    Learn to love yourself more.  You will then find far more understanding and love for others.

8.    Focus on active listening.  This means you listen to what someone says, ask questions to resolve what you do not understand and with that information, respond in a civilized and problem solving mode.

9.    Admit when you are wrong.  Honest contrition has mellowed countless angry hearts.

10.  Find at least one good thing to say about people you see every day.

11.  Spend time every day being grateful for what you have in life.

12.  Cut out sarcastic comments completely.  They are hurtful and a form of bomb throwing that will never be helpful to anyone.

13.  Before you make a statement, ask yourself if it will gain you what you desire.  An example would be if you wanted a friend to help you, you would not yell at them and demand they help you.

14.  Stop drinking alcohol.  That things are worse when “doing some drinking” is a clear sign that alcohol is bad for  you and to stop drinking would be a positive thing.

It will be hard for you to change after being this way for your whole life.  The positive thing in your favor is you desire to change and are aware of the problem.  That you love your children shows you have the capacity to effectively love yourself and others.

Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 1/7/14

As a Psychologist, Dr.Braccio gives reflections on the astounding Rose Bowl mersin esc Experience. It didn’t matter where you were. Members of the SPARTAN NATION were everywhere.  He talked to many of them, even a couple in their late eighties that have been to all five SPARTAN Rose Bowls. They plan to go to the next one too! The beach towns of Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Santa Monica Beach, Venice Beach, Redondo Beach and Laguna Beach were loaded with Spartans from everywhere.  It was an astonishing experience that no one will forget who was there. The stadium was 65 percent SPARTY and the crowd was excited and then delirious with joy after Ellsworth made the key stop and then even more delirious with joy as the seconds ticked off and the win happened. Then no one wanted to leave. Tears of satisfaction filled the ROSE BOWL.  It was amazing!  Dr. Braccio says as one who lived in Manhattan Beach for a number of years, he never imagined LA could be taken over by Spartans.  But, they did.  GO GREEN!

As an aside, the California Ocean and landscape are perfect for making hypnosis recordings to help people.

Dr. Braccio Talks on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 12/17/13


Dr Braccio and Tony continue a discussion on what needs to be done to stop the continuing disturbances that occur near the campus of Michigan State University after major sporting events. Dr.Braccio questions why with such a predictable history to draw upon that there is not konya merkez escort more of a police presence in a relatively small physical area.

Dr. Braccio Talks about the Festive Atmosphere in Indianapolis at the Big Ten Championship on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 12/10/13


Dr.Braccio talks about the festive atmosphere mersineskort in Indianapolis before, during and after the Big Ten Championship game.  They discuss the psychological excitement of returning to the Rose Bowl after 26 years.  They also discuss the booing of Big Ten Commissioner, Jim Delany, by MSU fans when he came to speak after the game.


Timid Teen Reflects Parent’s Reluctance To Try New Things

QuestionJHB Third Picture

Dr.Braccio:  My fourteen year old daughter can torture me emotionally but is so escort kızlar mersin insecure in her life.  She never wants to try anything new.  I also must work more at this.  When I push her into something like the Spanish Club, she enjoys it and even thrives in it while I’m worn out from the struggle to get her to finally go.  In spite of all I try, the scenario is always the same.  What’s wrong and what can I do differently?


Your daughter has low self-esteem in relation to trying new things.  She is comfortable with the known and predictable.  The unknown scares her.  The scenario you have developed between the two of you appears to be how she changes.  The problem is that there is no spontaneity and the process and resulting change for her is a very slow and burdensome process.  Additionally, you get worn out emotionally and it puts real wear and tear on your relationship.

Until you can implement some of the following suggestions on how to help both you and your daughter, you probably need to use the current model to make sure some changes occur.  Even though I say this, the emphasis needs to be on the new suggestions below.

1.  Encourage her whenever possible to try new things.  Use your whole environment.  This can occur when you see something on TV, in newspapers, in magazines, as you walk in your life, etc. that you can build on to discuss with her with the goal of helping her see  how it relates to her and how she might try it.

2.  Be on guard to always immediately applaud her anytime she thinks about and/or tries to do   anything new.  Each time may potentially be the catalyst for a major overall change in her life.

3.  Place her in situations where she can take a leadership or proactive role.  Church, family and community activities lend themselves to this.

4.  Model a willingness to try new things.  Demonstrate the excitement that can come from trying new things.  Because you must work on this also, it will be a good test for you as well as her.

5.  Try to set up events and that would allow her to explore new things.  Examples would include picnics, trips, extensive walking, amusement parks, church/youth activities, art class, cake decorating class, sewing class, swimming, tennis and soccer.

Even if she continues for a period of time to have a hard time changing, hopefully she can begin to see the excitement and fun that comes from spontaneously trying new things.  That both of you could do it together would be great fun in a positive mother/daughter bonding situation.

Any questions or comments would be appreciated.

Five Ways to Reduce Everyday Anxiety

QuestionJHB Third Picture

Dr.Braccio:  I don’t know silifke escort numaraları what’s been happening to me.  I’ve always been anxious but now I seem to be worrying about everything.  I even worry about my worrying.  My mother and her sisters are just like me.  My kids and husband have told me to try to settle down, but I can’t.  I seem to be worrying about a lot of things and can’t get the worries out of my mind.  It’s nothing in particular but can be anything.  I worry about the health of my family, my husband’s job, the education of my children and even the effects of global warming on us.  I get tense, irritable, can’t concentrate and focus on my worrying and often can’t sleep well.  This makes me feel down and immature.  I feel I’m getting worse.  What do I have and what can I do about it?


You appear to have “Generalized Anxiety Disorder”.  This is an anxiety disorder that covers a wide range of concerns.  It is often written as GAD.  It can make one feel uneasy and worrying about various things or just a kind of foreboding that something will go wrong.  “What Iffing” and “catrastrophising” are common characteristics.  The present is often ruined as the person worries about the future.

GAD is quite common with a frequency rate of around 3 to 4%.  As you can see, you are not alone as millions suffer the same condition.

The cause is debatable, but probably ranges from bad learning and being around worriers to a chemical makeup that gives one a tendency to worry or a combination of them.  The reaction is physical and the result is an ongoing anxiety that is draining on the person and those around him or her.  As in your case, this can lead to some level of depression because the constant worrying and physical uneasiness can make one feel down, hopeless and plain worn out emotionally and physically.

Some key things to do to address your anxiety would be as follows:

1.  Learn to relax to reduce anxiety.  Just breathing in and out deeply for a few minutes can be helpful.  Humans have done this over the centuries  to help them relax.   You also can use self-hypnosis, yoga, meditation or any other system to help you relax.  Just to slowly say the word …..r—e—l—a—x….. can be relaxing.

2.  Medication can help to calm you down.  While this can be helpful in the short run, the key is to stop your anxiety naturally and it can be done for the most part by just changing how you look at life and its everyday occurrences.

3.  Control what you think.  This deceptively difficult task is very hard for most people to do.  Begin by consciously not thinking about “what ifs “ and “catastrophic” thoughts.  Recognize that all the worrying in the world will not resolve a problem.  When you have a concern to resolve, plan a way to have the best chance for success.  See life as having risks but put risks in perspective.  Try to see life as an exciting and individual adventure for you to experience rather than worrying about everything that might happen.

4.  Use cognitive restructuring statements to change anxiety producing statements to positive non-anxiety ones.  For example, say “The kids are out and nothing bad will happen to them” versus “I know they will get in an accident”.  Another would be to say, “I’ll do just fine when I present my job report” versus  “I know I’ll get nervous and look stupid when I present my job report”.

5.  Try to focus on enjoying the present and not worrying about yesterday or “what iffing” about the rest of the day and tomorrow.  In an often unpredictable world, plan as best you can, prepare for problems and enjoy your life as you live it.

Expect change to come slowly as you reduce anxiety by trying the above strategies.  Success will come and you will lead a much happier life.

If after trying the above, you feel you are not improving or improving to the level you desire, you may find it helpful to seek an experienced therapist with anxiety disorders.

Any questions and comments would be appreciated.