Category: Podcasts


    Sports Performance Anxiety is more common with athletes than one might think. Our concern here relates to athletes specifically in elementary through high school and how parents can help them. With that said, the suggestions can relate to athletes of any age and whether playing an individual or team sport. Over the years I have worked with many parents who are amazed when a sporting activity their child previously loved has begun to cause them great anxiety to the point they are feeling miserable emotionally and often want to quit the sport entirely. Because I have worked with many athletes who have Sports Performance Anxiety,I can tell you it can be very emotionally devastating and can put a real cramp in the life of the person involved and their parents. The following are suggestions given to parents over the years I have found can be quite helpful for the child to reduce the anxiety to the point it is useful anxiety and not debilitating anxiety: 1.Accept anxiety is a common trait for any athlete. 2.Identify the symptoms and maybe unusual behaviors or changes in thinking that are showing your child is not behaving in their regular fashion. When this occurs,there is a need for positive parental intervention. 3. Develop a conversation with your child that is positive and not critical. The most loving and meaningful statements by a parent can be devastating to their child by being negative and making them fearful of their performance rather than helping them be their best. 4.Try to identify with your child by indicating any anxiety you have had in the past when involved with sports or other activities that have been stressful for you. This can develop a bond between the two of you that allows for conversation that does not put all the pressure on your child.5. Help yourself and your child realize if they can think themselves into being overly anxious that they have the ability to think themselves into being less anxious. As difficult of a concept as this may be for you or your child to understand, it is true and something that needs to be worked on and developed. 6.It is useful to have mantras that can be used to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. For example, if a child feels they cannot function effectively and will let the team down, they need to say they will try to do their best to help themselves and the team be at their best.7. Deep breathing is a timeless procedure to use when a person is feeling anxious,stressed out and needs to relax. Just breathing in and breathing out deeply over and over again while thinking a positive mantra can be very helpful to an individual.8. Help your child realize their job on the team is to try to use all the skills and training they have learned to do the best job they can. This will not always lead to the level of success they desire; however, if this is done and understood they will realize they are achieving and helping the team as best they can. 9. Help your child have realistic expectations for what they can do and encourage them within their abilities to do the best they can. This recognition and acceptance of ability with maximal opportunity for development can positively be used to help your child function to the best ability that is possible. 10.If you feel you need outside help,seek out an experienced therapist who can help you with Sports Performance Anxiety.

    Dr Braccio & Mike Austin of 1320 AM LET GETTING OLDER BE AN EXCITING VOYAGE

    September 27, 2022

    We live in an age where ageism or getting older is seen as something to be dreaded and avoided at all costs. We can easily see this as people rush to plastic surgeons and the latest cosmetics advertised on TV to keep us young and ever younger yet! This is unfortunate because more and more research is showing that persons who see getting older has advantages with things to look forward to are not only happier but live longer than those who do not. This does not diminish the reality of physical decline and death. The focus on living positively as we get older is the proverbial view it is better to see the glass half filled rather than half empty. The following are things to look forward to as we get older:
    1.You need not worry about dying young! (The Roman Cicero noted this is his classic work ,ON OLD AGE.) 2.Recognizing our mortality can have us cherish each day we live. 3.More leisure time to think and do things. 4.Learn new things. 5.Nurture and rekindle long term friendships and family connections. 6.Strengthen love with spouse/partner and children. 7.Make amends for mistreatment of others in our past or even present. 8.Share the lessons learned in life. 9.Focus on what one remembers rather than what one forgets. Also remember a 20 or 30 year old has far less to remember than a 50-90 year old. 10.Develop one’s spiritual outlook and direction. 11.Do good and make the world better before you leave it. 12.Focus on what you can do rather than what you cannot. 13.Carpe diem—Seize the day and enjoy it. 14.With gusto,look forward to the future!


    It will guarantee you mediocrity in life. It is reasonable to be a good citizen and do what is required as a good citizen and family person. However, to just go along with any current trend will guarantee you will not stand out as is possible when you search for and follow your dreams and not those that others have decided for you. My work over the decades as a practicing psychologist has shown me so many crowd followers who are leading lives that are not satisfying and they sometimes even have significant depression and anxiety because they are living the choices of the crowd for them and not their own. One must not accept a specific crowd view that life is against you and just sit back and accept it. The life of a crowd designated victim is tragic if the person accepts it. The free thinking individual will see the normal problems in life that each person has as opportunities for resolution rather than overpowering problems to fold under. They play as best they can the cards life has dealt them. If one is in a crowd that promotes low possibilities for you,leave it immediately and find persons and groups that promote your possibilities as a person. Too often, persons see problems as reasons they run with the crowd as they just decide to settle for whatever life they can have and try to enjoy it. While this may work for many,it guarantees a life of mediocrity. They will not experience the excitement and exhilarating experience in life from voyaging out on their own. The following are some specific reasons why following the crowd or the flock will not help you reach the exciting heights you can experience when following your dreams with the resulting life excitement and happiness through their fulfillment. 1.Doing what everyone else does guarantees you a life of mediocrity. 2.Fads come and go. We do not hopefully just lead a life going from one fad to another. 3.Highly successful persons do not follow the crowd. 4.Individual growth as an individual is best done when following your own developed goals. 5.Following the golden rule—DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU—needs to be the gold standard we use in dealing with others and not those determined by the crowd. 6.The crowd is often wrong. One classic example is when Galileo knew the earth moved but the “crowd” said it did not.

    Dr Braccio & Mike Austin of 1320 AM discuss THE PERILS OF WORK BURNOUT/DEPRESSION

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    September 6, 2022

    Work Burnout/Depression is when persons cannot function effectively at work due to symptoms of Depression overpowering them psychologically. It is sadly more common than many would think. I put them both together because persons with Work Burnout predictably have some level of Depression. Both the employer and person suffering from Work Burnout/Depression must be on the lookout for this horribly debilitating condition and control it as soon as possible. Common symptoms persons have to one degree or another would include the following: 1. Persistent sad and unhappy mood. 2.Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism and helplessness. 3. Unusual increase in absences and poor work performance. 4.Excessive use of alcohol,prescription drugs and/or illegal substances. 5.Fatigue with low levels of energy. 6.Loss of interest in usual daily activities. 7.Changes in eating patterns which can result in noticeable weight gain or loss. 8.Crying. 9.High anxiety sometimes with accompanying panic attacks. 10. Tardiness or sleepiness resulting from sleep problems. 11. Irritability and anger issues resulting in conflicts with other persons. 12. Persistent physical symptoms or pains, including the common cold, that do not respond to typical medical treatment. 13.Unpredictable and unexplained bowel disturbances,headaches or stomach problems. 14.Problems concentrating. 15.Becoming cynical with self,others and life. 16.Lack of control. 17. Nebulous job expectations. 18.Dysfunctional work environment. 19.Suicide ideation…If you or your employer notice some of the symptoms above,it is important to seek out support as needed from family,co-workers,clergy,EAP(Employee Assistance Program),and trained therapists…Depression Is a major national concern. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that among adults of 18 and older in 2020 that 21 million adults have had at least one major depressive episode. This amounts to 8.9% of the population. When you add Job Burnout to the mix, you can see this is a very troubling situation We all need to do our part to help persons be able to work without the psychologically and physically debilitating condition of Work Depression/Burnout.

    Dr Braccio & Mike Austin of 1320 AM discuss HOW HUMILITY HELPS MAKE YOU A MORE EFFECTIVE HUMAN BEING. 

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    August 30, 2022- Humility is that wonderful trait a human being has that allows them to not be a know-it-all and accept the views of other persons. They can accept others have equal or better ideas. They recognize together everyone can feel more satisfied and potentially be more successful. They believe the concept of teamwork results in team results that a group of individuals working alone cannot achieve. Too often humility is seen as weakness. It is actually the opposite of that. Humility simply recognizes other persons can be talented and offer something. Typical traits of a person with humility would be as follows: 1.Listens to others and their opinions. 2.Takes into account the ideas and feelings of others when making decisions. 3.Works under the assumption more persons involved in decision-making will lead to a better outcome with everyone feeling they have made a meaningful contribution. 4.Willingness to make decisions when necessary but only after taking into account opinions of others. 5.Strengthens relationships with others. 6.Allows for greater understanding of self and others. 7.Develops tolerance of others and their views. 8.Roots out arrogance and impulsivity of actions.


    WHEN NOT HAVING CHILDREN OR BEING MARRIED IS THE RIGHT LIFE CHOICE- Subscribe to our page! August 23, 2022 In our society, being married and having children have long been considered the appropriate lifestyle. While this may be true for most persons, it is not true for everyone. One can draw some conclusions from the fact that 50% of marriages fail and many children are not offered good parental guidance and support from their parents. There even are sadly too many children who are abused emotionally,sexually and physically. Arguably, much of this could be relieved by many persons accepting their true personalities and realize their desires in life are such that being married and having children are not right for them and can be catastrophic for themselves,spouses and children. How often do we hear adults indicate one or both of their parents had no business ever being married and having children? Our society would be far more effective if persons who have no business being married and having children did neither. This simply acknowledges that long-term life relationships filled with love and the caring for children does not fit the mold for many persons and they and society would be better off if they chose to use their skills in different directions that could contribute much to the development of a safer,more cohesive and more effective society and country. Personality factors that would show a person is not someone to enter a life long commitment to a partner or raising children in a loving and effective manner would include the following: 1.Narcissistic 2.Explosive Personality/Verbal Abuser. 3.Sociopathic. 4.Selfish/Self-Absorbed. 5.Egotistical. 6.Career Driven. 7.Workaholic. 8.Infidelity. 9.Life Mission. 10.Immature. 11.Emotionally Unstable. 12.Physical Abuser/Batterer. 13.Pathological Liar. 14.Manipulator. 15.Emotionally Controlled By Parents. 16.Alcoholic/Substance Abuser. 17.Habitual Gambler…Something positive is that persons can overcome many of these areas of concern by being authentic with themselves and seeking support as needed from family,friends clergy and well trained therapists.


    August 16, 2022

    The dreams and aspirations of so many people are destroyed by their own worst case scenarios. Common worst case scenarios could include:1.The perceived humiliation of being turned down for a date with a potential life partner. 2.Not applying for the “perfect job” for fear of being rejected. 3.Not moving to your dream location for fear of not succeeding and returning home as an humiliated failure. 4.Not seeking a prized degree or training program for fear of humiliation and ridicule for not completing it. 5.Not standing up for self out of fear of severe retaliation. 6.Staying in a dull and no hope for promotion job out of fear of failing and being fired at another job and the family going on public assistance. 7.Constant fear of living the “imposter phenomenon” where in spite of your ongoing success you will be found out and humiliated as not up to your job and fired or demoted…The examples can go on and on. The remedy is to focus on the prize and accept possible roadblocks as you voyage forth to fulfill your goals and dreams. When life is coming to a close,people do not lament they tried and often did put their dreams into reality. No,they lament unfulfilled dreams because of their worst case scenarios. 


    August 9, 2022

    Even though this may seem evident to those who have good or bad/absent fathers,we often do not realize how critical a good father is in the lives of their children. The point is not that children without fathers cannot be successful or have other excellent male role models,the point is simply that research shows the rather surprising results when a father is present: 1.80% less likely to spend time in jail. 2.60% less likely to be suspended or expelled in school. 3.38% more likely to get A’s in school. 4.45% less likely to repeat a grade. 5.75% less likely as a teenager to birth a child…These results show the importance of fathers in the lives of their children. As a society,we need to emphasize this and encourage fathers whether married or not to be responsible,loving and caring for children they have brought into this often difficult and complicated world. Their children did not ask to be born and need and deserve a loving and good role model father. This is true whether the father adheres to a spiritual or secular view of the importance of life he has brought into this world. For further emphasis,society needs to focus on the importance of giving support for caring fathers to lovingly accept their parental responsibilities to help their children be as loved and successful as possible. This is true whether in a nuclear,blended or broken up family relationship. Fathers can seek support by modeling behaviors of good fathers and/or seeking them out as mentors. They also can seek out support groups for fathers and trained therapists. As a final thought,it is critical to realize the good father is not the mythical perfect father who does not exist in this imperfect world. 


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    Perfectionists are persons who strive for perfection in all aspects of their lives. Unless you are someone like a heart surgeon or a jet pilot, perfection is not something for individuals to seek in themselves or someone else. Perfectionists are never at psychological peace because they are trying to be perfect in a very imperfect world. If you are a perfectionist, it is clearly time to kick this aspect of your personality out into the trash can where it belongs. It is amazing to me after decades as a practicing psychologist how many persons do not see the negative impact that perfectionism is having on them psychologically and also the negative impact it has in their relations with others. Typical characteristics would include the following: 1.Seeking not excellence but perfection from self in all attempted activities. 2.Constant disappointment by never being able to be perfect. 3.Poor self-image due to not living up to being perfect,regardless of how successful they might be. 4.Problems in relationships with others because of expecting them to meet this perfect standard that not only they cannot meet but no one else can. 5.Excessive amounts of time doing what are routine activities to other persons due to the desire to do them perfectly. Things as simple as cutting the grass, cleaning the house and reviewing a work document can lead to seemingly limitless amounts of time trying to get them right and psychological distress it not feeling they are ever done perfectly. 6.The inability to delegate because others cannot do tasks perfectly. 7.Elevated levels of Anxiety and Depression caused by the impossibly of being perfect. 8.Not enjoying the happy times that persons psychologically need because of the constant emphasis on being perfect in the never ending process of activities they are trying to do perfectly…If some of these characteristics sound like you,now is the time to end this life robbing personality behavior that will not allow psychological peace. Work on it yourself or seek out experienced expert help.


    July 26, 2022

    Positive self-efficacy is the belief one has the capacity to complete activities in effective ways. A person with positive self-efficacy encounters a problem, looks at the factors that need to be resolved and attempts to complete them. Even though the person may fail, they will more realistically analyze why they failed rather than the person with negative self-efficacy who will be convinced not only that they did not have the ability to complete it but never would have the ability. Positive self-esteem is a positive view of self while positive self-efficacy is the belief one can successfully complete an activity. The person with positive self-efficacy does not see problems in the current life-space as something to be fearful of or to try to run away from,but rather as opportunities for resolution and challenges that can make life more interesting. The person with positive self-efficacy works relentlessly to be the quarterback while the person with negative self-efficacy,regardless of ability,prefers to sit in a chair and watch the quarterback play rather than risk certain perceived failure if they attempted to become the quarterback.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM WILS discuss POSITIVE MEMORIES REDUCE DEPRESSION

    July 5, 2022

    POSITIVE MEMORIES REDUCE DEPRESSION Psychologists have known for some time that positive thoughts and memories produce positive persons. The ability to remember and focus on positive thoughts in one’s life accurately and intuitively point out the obvious: Positive thoughts and memories reduce depression. If a person focuses on negative memories, the present is going to be depressing and the future will look the same because the future will be filled with the current present negative memories and so it goes on and on in a never ending cycle. One must cognitively restructure or consciously replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts in order to have a chance for positive self-esteem and a life free or with far less depression than the person who focuses on negative thoughts. This brings me to the fact that after nearly 400 segments with you Dave, this is the last PSYCHOLOGICALLY SPEAKING segment we will do together on WILS 1320 AM radio. It has been a great ride and it is hard to believe how quickly the past 7 1/2 years have gone. The memories from the segments will always be positive as I have greatly enjoyed doing them with you and the hope is they have been enjoyable for you and helpful for our listeners. I simply want to give a shout out THANK YOU and HOORAY to you for your superb professionalism and wish you the best in your continuing successes. We will continue the nearly 30 year long-term relationship we have had since your days as the Sports Director and News Anchor at WLNS-TV 6. Our interactions are a significant part of my positive long term memories that will keep coming back as emotional nourishment to keep depression on the ropes!

    Dr Braccio podcast on Infidelity

    Dr. Braccio discusses infidelity and the costs of cheating in a relationship, particularly in a marriage. Infidelity can lead to divorce and parental disruption. Yet many stray anyway, prompting the question: Why? Dr. Braccio believes any marriage can be saved if both persons love each other and are willing to do the hard work to save it. He gives you helpful and proven strategies to do it.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss CARING FOR FAMILY CAREGIVERS

    June 21, 2022

    We live in an age where millions of spouses,children and siblings look after beloved members of their families. In 2020,53 million Americans were offering unpaid care for adults with health or functional needs. This was an increase of 9.5 million from 2015. The most common caregiver is one spouse looking after the other. Another very common combination is a child or children looking after a parent. Too often, these caregivers are taken for granted and other family persons or caring non-family are not aware or minimize the problems they are experiencing or choose in some cases to ignore. The odds are quite high we have a family caregiver in this situation or know of one. The common issues caregivers have would include problems with managing time, physical and emotional distress, depression and isolation, financial concerns, sleep deprivation, guilt and fear of asking for support. Things that other family members, dear friends and caring persons can offer include the following: 1.Help with every day chores and needs. 2.Emotional/psychological support. 3.Help with healthcare needs. 4.As desired,give good advice. 5.Try to help them recognize their emotional and physical health are also priorities. 6.Make sure you do not use guilt in your support. 7.If asked,seek out support persons or agencies that can be of support. 8.Availability.


    June 28, 2022

    Unlike the narcissist, common bully and sociopath who are relatively quickly found out to be who they are,the situation is very different with the Machiavellian Manipulator who skillfully pretends to fairly live within agreed upon social rules and norms. They often very cleverly work within the system to achieve maximum success for themselves regardless of the negative consequences for others. Because they deceitfully but effectively use all the correct words and techniques to advance,they are particularly hard to identify and often by the time they are identified their evil deeds have succeeded at your expense. Even after it happens,others may not be aware of what has happened and will continue to be part of their evil designs. The best way to determine if you are interacting with a Machiavellian Manipulator is to observe,listen to comments of others,discretely talk to others and observe outcomes from interactions they have with others. If you ever encountered one, you certainly are aware of how difficult they are to identify because they are seemingly working and interacting with others with the same agreed upon norms everybody is working under. A concise definition of manipulation is using inappropriate psychological techniques with other persons to control their thoughts and actions. It can happen in any setting. It is most common in close relationships such as family,spouses,friendships and work settings. Typical manipulation techniques would include using the following: Guilt. Blame. Complaints. Playing innocent or ignorant. Gaslighting. Lying. Bullying. Mind games. Insecurities/Weak spots,Mockery. Judging. When these techniques are skillfully camouflaged by the Machiavellian Manipulator,victims can be amazed and shocked when they learn what has or is negatively happening to them. If one is in such a relationship with a Machiavellian Manipulator,it is important to seek out supportive friends, colleagues and professional support to minimize the damage done to you socially,psychologically,personally and/or professionally.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss BE A HAPPY INTROVERT

    June 14, 2022

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    It is pretty well known that in Western Society the extrovert(EXTERNALLY DIRECTED)is praised and often seen as the ideal. This can needlessly lead to the introvert(INTERNALLY DIRECTED)developing low self-esteem and seeing self as less than the extrovert. Because extroverts and introverts clearly seem to be wired differently, it becomes important for each person to accept who they are and nurture their particular characteristics. The following are typical characteristics introverts have which need to be cherished,nurtured and enjoyed as opposed to being seen as negative: 1.Need for less social interaction. 2.Greater interpersonal intimacy. 3.Enjoyment of being alone. 4.Strong emphasis on self-development. 5.Enjoyment of solitary activities. 6.Desire for meaningful conversation. 7.Greater social distance for internal peace. 8.Purposeful life with a sense of simplicity. 9.Strong sense of independence…The fact many introverts are quite satisfied with themselves is something to keep in mind if you are an introvert or someone you love and care for is and has low self-esteem because of it.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss THE REALITY OF PROLONGED GRIEF DISORDER

    June 19, 2022

    The killing of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde,Texas and other senseless killings along with the million deaths resulting from COVID clearly has Americans tuned in to the grieving that individuals have who have lost children, friends, family members and even acquaintances. There has also been a public grieving where millions of Americans have joined with family and friends in the grieving process. Our grieving will end over time. That does not always happen for family and close friends of persons who for whatever the reason have lost loved ones. To be killed by a psychopath predictably would lead to the most intense grieving possible. Yet the length of time a person grieves totally depends on the person. It has often been said wrongly that grieving that lasts more than a year is a psychological problem. That is absurd and even very insensitive to the grieving person. Personally,I can state my parents never fully got over the death of my 2 year old brother in 1943 from childhood meningitis. Fortunately, DSM V has just recently added the diagnosis of Prolonged Grief Disorder. There are many persons who can need years and even a lifetime to overcome grieving for a loved one. Symptoms would include such characteristics as the following: 1.Disbelief it could have happened. 2.Intense longing for the person. 3.Identity confusion where the person feels not whole without the deceased person. 4.Avoiding reminders of the deceased. 5.Emotional numbness. 6.Intense loneliness. 7.Feeling life is meaningless. 8.No desire to meaningfully interact with people or with life. 9.Intense despair…The intensity of these feelings do not subside but can stay in force for years. The person with Prolonged Grief Disorder needs sensitivity and patience from friends and family. Additionally,clergy and trained therapists with grieving expertise can be helpful as deemed appropriate by the person.



    Signs to look for to find hope in your fading marriage would include the following. Some combination of them can be the basis for rekindling a sputtering marriage. 1.You have mutually loved and respected friends and family you desire to keep. 2.You genuinely care for each other’s well being. 3.You respect and admire the better traits of your spouse. 4.You desire to save it with hard effort on both sides. 5.You do not have walls of indifference,anger,frustration and disagreement singly or in some combination that are so deep and thick that you cannot bit by bit tear them down. 6.You desire to continue a life together with some combination of children,grandchildren,family and friends. 7.You have no desire to see any other person loving/sharing love with your spouse. 8.You use humor and not bitter sarcasm. 9.You have a strong desire to create wonderful new memories like those you have had in the past. 10.You desire to rediscover compromise and active listening. 11.You recognize what you have done and not done to enhance the marriage. 12.You share a willingness to seek out professional support as may be needed.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly 1320 AM discuss CONTROL THE SUMMERTIME BLUES

    May 24, 2022

    Your first response might be what could he be talking about? Summertime is the time we all wait for and no one could have the blues! It might be surprising to you but it is true that many persons have summertime blues. It is a form of SAD-SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER. Let me mention some of the problems that occur with some persons in the summertime: 1.Lack of sleep due to the long daylight hours. 2.Self-esteem issues if you are not happy and everyone is telling you how wonderful it is that it is summer. 3.Financial concerns due to the cost of summer activities for children and family vacations. 4.Body image concerns as it is a time for bathing suits and summer clothing. 5.Too much sun,heat and humidity. 6.Difficulty effectively managing so many activities going on simultaneously in a home. 

    Things to do to beat the summertime blues would include the following: 1.Adequate sleep. 2.Reasonable exercise and not overdoing it. 3.Good financial planning for vacations and other family related activities. 4.Reasonable and healthy eating and use of alcohol beverages. 5.Planning time effectively so you do not feel overwhelmed. 6.Claim your summer in a way that is mentally and physically healthy for you and do not allow others to define how happy you need to be and what things you need to do. 7.As you feel appropriate,seek out professional medical and psychological personnel.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss WHEN IS IT TIME TO LEAVE A MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP

    May 17, 2022

    Subscribe to our youtube page! WHEN IS IT TIME TO LEAVE A MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP Aside from the obvious reasons of infidelity and physical or emotional abuse of you and/or children, there are other important factors in determining if your marriage/relationship is best to consider ending. The following are factors to be considered. If they are heavily weighing you down emotionally and you do not see a way they can be changed,then this is the time to make a final attempt to resolve them or think very seriously and honestly about ending the marriage/relationship. 1.Do the problems relate to current difficulties in your life circumstances or who both of you are as persons? 2.What have you attempted to do to resolve the feelings you have and save the marriage/relationship? 3.How well do each of you compromise? 4.What advice would you give to a best friend if living under the identical circumstances as you are? 5.What percentage of time do you feel you experience happiness and satisfaction in your relationship? Are you best friends? 6. Do you stay because of the children? If so, what impact would divorce have on them? 7.Are you fulfilled in the relationship emotionally? If not,what can you do to change this and how would you attempt to do it? 8.Does your spouse/partner respect those aspects of you that are essential to your self-esteem? 9.Are you as a person respected? 10.Do you have a lack of love and resulting physical/emotional intimacy? 11.Are you no longer a partnership? 12.Are the relationships in a blended family causing chaos and hurt on all members? 13.Do you enjoy living your life together and sharing your experiences and dreams at all levels in a way both are satisfied? 14.Do you feel you have invested too much time in your relationship to end it? 15.Do you feel or believe you must morally or spiritually stay together? 16.Do you feel you must stay in the relationship because of economics?