June 25, 2024- There are people we know and may even love that seem to live to argue. They are arguers. They are not necessarily bad persons at all, but they thrive on debating or challenging ideas just to cause a stir or prove they are always right and great thinkers. There are even some people we may try to stay away from in conversations just so we do not have to argue whatever might be on the menu of arguments for the day. For this discussion, we are eliminating the totally rude and offensive person who does not argue in an honorable manner but loves to make derogatory comments and simply tries to put you down to always win the argument . No, we are talking about the person who likes to argue and debate whatever it might be. They may be very pleasant people most of the time. They can be anybody, even your spouse,parent,child or sibling. The following are some suggestions on what you might do to not argue when your arguing friend, associate, family member or person you encounter in life wants to argue: 1. Try to make some neutral statement to turn the conversation away from the point of possible contention. 2. Indicate some general agreement and try to move on to something else. 3. Do not become defensive and fall prey to the arguer and start arguing. 4. Ask to delay the discussion to a later time. 5. Ask questions to hopefully not allow the arguer the opportunity to argue. 6. Stay calm and do not get emotionally upset. 7. Arguments on religion and politics are particularly wise to stay away from on most occasions.