Dr Braccio & Mike Austin of 1320 AM discuss NON-SEVERE MANIA AND HYPOMANIA- subscribe to our YouTube page!

Dr Braccio & Mike Austin of 1320 AM discuss NON-SEVERE MANIA AND HYPOMANIA- subscribe to our YouTube page!

7-30-2024- Mania is a condition where a person has abnormally elevated mood, behaviors and emotions way beyond what would be normal for the person. Energy levels, both psychologically and physically, are erratically different from the average behavior of the person. These conditions are noticed by the person and others who interact with them. When coupled with severe depression,the person has bipolar disorder. It can be a very serious condition that can lead to dangerous and risky behaviors that can result in a person being hospitalized and even having delusions and hallucinations. For our purposes today, we are only talking about less severe mania and a mania of a lesser degree,hypomania, which can generally be controlled and not lead to a level of mania that one can be hospitalized or do extremely risky behaviors. With that said, even hypomania can be a very difficult thing for a person to cope with. Persons can all of a sudden in a euphoric state see themselves having great unique ideas about what they can do but in reality have no possibility of achieving. Nevertheless ,they completely believe they can and will spend countless hours trying to prove it. When this happens, a person can go days with little or no sleep, do rapid talking and thinking, and cannot get thoughts out except often in the form of long diatribes about what is on their mind. They can think they have super thinking during this period. This can lead to issues at work, in relationships and just being able to lead some semblance of a normal life. Treatment can include some appropriate medication and psychological treatment. Manic episodes can last for different periods of time. Some can be very brief or can go on for weeks and even months. If you are having these problems, then seeking out expert medical and psychological staff would be the most likely choice to make if you wanted to overcome them. Medical staff with medicine and a therapist to offer treatment such as cognitive behavioral therapy or rational emotive behavior therapy with cognitive restructuring to help move the person away from the thought patterns and behaviors leading to the mania that is occurring. The main thing to know is that mania or hypomania can be difficult to have and overcomep. The important thing is to be aware of the problem, seek out professional medical and psychological support along with interactions with trusted friends and yourself to talk yourself out of this manic state you are in and try to get back to leading a normal life. Eliminating loud noises, alcohol. active activities and loud music while trying to live with consistent bedtimes , consistent times you get up ,soothing music and strategies to kick these thoughts out and replace them with more normal and rational thoughts and behaviors that are typical of your personality and who you really are is what is needed.

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