August 6, 2024- The hallmarks of ADHD are lack of focus, inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Often comorbid with the condition is procrastination. It is a reasonable outcome if you consider that persons with ADHD have problems dealing with projects and activities they have little interest and the result can be procrastination. This is particularly true with long and multistep projects and activities. Ambiguity of any type can also lead to confusion and difficulty on how to complete a required task. Procrastination is often a way to deal with the anxiety and worry that can result from this ambiguity or uncertainty of how to attack what is often a major activity. The result can be problems meeting responsibilities that are required in a person‘s life. If one cannot complete required activities in their personal and working lives, the result can be poor work performance and problems in personal relationships. The common result in persons with ADHD is that they procrastinate too often and wait until the last minute to complete things. This becomes to them a normal pattern in their lives. They often will even say they cannot work on long and difficult projects until the very last minute and then they can work for many hours because they are highly motivated to complete the activity out of necessity. The problem with this is that responsibilities are often not met because there is not enough time to complete the task or the work that is done is shabby and does not meet the requirements of the activity. Persons who do not have problems with lack of focus, inattention and procrastination often believe the person with these traits just needs to work a little harder, be more responsible and just do what is required. While it is true a person must try to do this to be successful in their lives, it is also true this can be exceptionally difficult to do if one has the hallmarks of ADHD. Even though there are persons who can be helped with a medication such as Adderall or other medications ,there are still things persons must do with or without medication to fight procrastination.These would include the following: 1. Set limits on what you will and will not do so you do not get overwhelmed. 2. Breakdown difficult and multistep activities into smaller ones to make the task less intimidating. 3.Plan timed breaks to keep fresh and not procrastrate and be off to do other things. 4. Place yourself physically whenever possible in an area away from the noise and distractions that occur in everyday life and not give yourself an environment to drift off into other activities. 5.Set specific and reasonable expectations for yourself. 6. Identify triggers that lead to procrastination and replace them with ones that keep you on task. 7. Choose 3-5 things to do each day and reward yourself when you complete them.