Dr Braccio & Rich Herl of 1320 AM discuss WE ALL NEED TO PRACTICE PATIENCE

Dr Braccio & Rich Herl of 1320 AM discuss WE ALL NEED TO PRACTICE PATIENCE

August 27, 2024-


I think it is safe to say most people believe patience is a virtue and something that can be helpful to them. With that said, it is also true that many of them and those who do not adhere to this belief often make poorly thought out decisions which can lead to problems in their business, financial, personal, family, and intimate relationships. Spending necessary time is often required to make important decisions. This is also true with persons who try to take shortcuts and end up not mastering skills necessary to be successful in life. I have always thought a good quotation on patience is when Samuel Johnson said, “Great works are not by strength, but by perseverance”. Or Saint Augustine who said, “Patience is the companion of wisdom”. Perseverance is the fruit of patience. While there is much truth in the adage,”The person who hesitates is lost”, it must be tempered by the adage,”Look before you leap”. I do not want you to confuse my statement about the need for patience as supporting paralysis of thought or not making important decisions at the correct time to make them. No, my point is that patience is very important in a person’s life to make sure they are being as effective as they can be. The following are advantages that result from patience: 1. Develop persistence and perseverance. 2. Spending the necessary time to learn skills ranging from swinging a baseball bat to successfully completing complex mathematical equations. 3. Listen better to people to fully understand what they mean to say. 4. Make decisions based on rational thinking. 5. Eliminate “seat of the pants” decisions that can lead to destructive financial, professional or personal decisions. 6. Be able to develop and accomplish long-term goals in life that are critical to the accomplishments one needs in life. 7. Develop effective personal relationships ranging from acquaintances to a lifelong loving partner. 8. Help better manage anger and frustration. 9. Take a view of the whole picture rather than making a bad decision without having all the facts needed to make a good one. 10. Learn to practice self control. 11. Patience is not an enemy of good decision-making, but an ally in making the right ones. 12. Your patience will help make other people be more comfortable around you.

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