Dr. Braccio Talks About The Loving Friendship between Cancer stricken Lacey Holsworth and MSU Basketball Star Adreian Payne on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 4/15/14

Dr. Braccio Talks About The Loving Friendship between Cancer stricken Lacey Holsworth and MSU Basketball Star Adreian Payne on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 4/15/14

Dr.Braccio talks about the amazing relationship between “Princess kocasinan escort bayan Lacey” and Adreian Payne.

They both gained so much from each other.  It was a unique friendship of great love. No one can know the facts and not have tears of great happiness and sadness. I hope there is eventually a movie about the whole situation to make millions feel good about the human race. We read so much about the evil deeds of human beings that it is wonderful to see good deeds of human beings clothed in golden loving friendship. We need more of this. They each had great adversity and in their own ways nobly overcame them with their remarkable loving friendship.

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