Signs of Spousal Betrayal
Posted on: 05/23/2012 4:49pm
Hello Everyone! I recently had a conversation with a person who told me how betrayed she felt when she realized her husband was having an affair. She asked I advise people of the typical signs that an affair escort mersin is occurring. She says she “foolishly” missed or tried to ignore them and wants to make sure others look for them to save themselves needless emotional agony. Typical signs of an affair would be as follows: 1. Better grooming/perfumes and colognes/unusual interest in appearance/improving body appearance/unusual emphasis on exercise. 2. Unexplained time gaps. 3. Less or more sex. 4. New sexual activities. 5. Deletion of phone and computer data. 6. Unexplained expenses including hotel bills and gifts you did not receive. 7. Argue over anything and even use as an excuse to storm out of the house. 8. Guilty looks and attitudes. 9. Changes in outlook on life and problems with the marriage and their lives. 10. Hang up calls and/or catching spouse having secret phone or computer conversations. 11. Unwillingness to talk or resolve concerns in an open manner A caution is to not jump to conclusions about a possible affair. Gently begin to raise concerns and seek discussion.