Dr.Braccio Talks About One Of The Most Brutal escort mersin of Sociopaths, Ariel Castro, on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 1320 a.m. in Lansing on 5/14/13
ARIEL CASTRO tortured, raped, chained up and held prisoner three girls for over ten years. The evil is so despicable it is hard to even imagine how a person could so degrade and brutalize persons for so long. A few questions discussed were as follows: 1. What kind of person is Ariel Castro? 2. How could he hide his sociopathic personality from others while he tortured and imprisoned the three girls for over a decade? 3. Is it possible his brothers and maybe other family members and friends did not know? 4. How bizarre is it that he also imprisoned his six year old daughter or stranger yet that he allowed her to be born? 5. Is it not fitting that his two daughters, Arlene and Angie, now want nothing to do with this this true human monster? 6. What can be done to help the victims of his horrid long term abuse? 7. What chances do they have of recovering and leading normal lives?
5-14-13 John Braccio