Question: Dr. Braccio: What can I do to help someone who might be emotionally distressed during Christmas?
Answer: As we go into the Christmas Holiday Season, hopefully with great gusto, it is important to note many people feel lonely, lost and depressed during this period.It is a time that divorce, mersin esc death, family discord, illness, negativity, memories of a happier past or many other problem areas can lead to a person feeling sad and even severely depressed. What can you do to help someone who might be sad or depressed during this period have more joy? Also, always remember by helping those you love and others have greater joy and even a growing sense of spirituality will make you feel better. The following are suggested:
1. Give a smile to everyone you see and talk to. This can positively impact on the sad, depressed and everyone else. Everyone needs smiles!
2. Call an old friend or acquaintance who might like to hear from you.
3. Give support to someone who lost a loved one recently or who passed during this particular time of year.
4. Invite a family member or friend over to your home at Christmas, Hanukah or whatever other day you celebrate if you feel the person is alone and needs some companionship and support.
5. Call someone you have not gotten along with to get rid of the tensions and even anger and start a new beginning.
Make sure you do not have a “Bah, Humbug” attitude in your Christmas Holiday Season.

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