ADHD AND PROCRASTINATION WITH HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS TO OVERCOME THEM- SUBSCRIBE to our page! 6-22-21 As inattention, focus and hyperactivity are hallmarks of ADHD, they also can directly relate to procrastination. In fact, ADHD and procrastination are often comorbid conditions in the same person. The following are some ways to help someone diagnosed with ADHD or with the symptoms to overcome procrastination that can result in a lack of progress in one’s career and personal life. 1.Set a timeline for completing a project. 2.Identify the specific components that make it up with timelines for each one. 3.Set up specific times you will work on the project with a break after you complete it in the time allocated. For example, work 20 minutes and take a five-minute break. 4.Do not multitask and run the risk of not completing any project. 5.Realistically determine how much time it will take to complete a project. 6. Reward yourself when you complete a project consistent with your time allocation. 7.Focus on each specific component that needs to be done and do not get bogged down worrying about the total project. If you fail in completing a particular component of a project or the project itself, do not feel defeated and quit trying. No, it is time to work hard to complete the component that is not completed and go onto the next one. 8.Do cognitive restructuring by replacing a negative thought with a positive one when working on a project that needs to be completed. Instead of saying to yourself that you cannot do something, tell yourself you can do it and believe it. 9.Seek professional counseling from a therapist who can help with overcoming the problem areas of ADHD and resulting procrastination if they result in your not being able to complete projects that need to be done for work, personal satisfaction, or both.