Dr Braccio discusses with Dave Akerly of 1320 AM WILS: WORKERS ARE MORE SATISFIED, HAPPY, AND PRODUCTIVE WHEN EMPLOYERS MAKE THE FOLLOWING AVAILABLE. 1-12-2021 Many of these do not cost anything and can bring great rewards and success to the company. Even at a time of great confusion and disruption in the workplace due to the Pandemic, the following being made to employees as much as possible are always critical to worker satisfaction, happiness, and productivity in the workplace. 1.Flexibility. 2.Feedback. 3.Constant honest communication from top to bottom. 4.Seek and utilize requested feedback and suggestions from employees. 5.Provide professional development and education. 6. Reward positive results. 7. Be as appreciative of employee effort. 8.Recognize career achievements. 9.Good benefits package. 10.Staff interactions to promote comradeship and team cohesiveness. 11.As possible, conferences and events to show appreciation and team spirit