June 13, 2023
Persons with high functioning Autism Sprectrum Disorder or ASD can have difficulty in their ability to develop close relationships with others and vice versa. This is because high functioning persons with ASD often do not read social cues and have problems connecting socially with others. The social deficits and impairments lead to them often being mocked or seen as odd non-caring persons. This can particularly be difficult and painful in family relationships where parents,spouses,children or siblings strongly desire a close relationship and misinterpret their apparent aloofness as signs of lack of interest or even lack of caring or desired social availability. In reality,they often lack the soft social skills and awareness to have close intimate relationships. They also may be fearful of social relationships due to a lifetime of rejection and misunderstanding due to their inability to effectively socially interact. Things are improving for persons with ASD as we as a society are more tuned into the reality of ASD and it’s impact on the person. There are now an estimated 5.4 million adults with ASD. The awareness that high functioning ASD persons are our friends,acquaintances, family members and even parents can lead to more sensitivity and awareness of the issues they experience every day of their lives. Obviously,the symptoms vary in intensity and impact in their interpersonal relationships. Typical symptoms of persons with high functioning ASD would include the following: 1.Difficulty relating socially. This can include family,spouse and children. 2.Intense interest in certain things. 3.Great desire for predictable routines. 4.Problems processing emotional interactions. 5.Promlems expressing inner feelings. 6.Lectures rather than communicates. 7.Speaks in a monotone voice. 8.Often also can have anxiety,depression,ADHD and learning delays.