Dr. John H. Braccio talks with Dave Akerly on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” radio show, on 6/19/18 on WLNS, 1320 a.m.in Lansing, Michigan about BE REALISTIC WHEN anamur eskort bayan MAKING A MAJOR CHANGE IN YOURSELF. As I could say-“Old habits die slowly”. Be aware it took you a long time to develop ingrained habits that in effect are a part of who you are. For example, to stop being sarcastic is harder than you would think if you have a habit of making insulting comments to others. This is particularly true if you think you are clever and witty. This would be equally true with a commitment to complete one thing before going to another if this is how you function. In fact, change can be hard for a myriad of self-change goals. The key is to clearly spell out the desired change, plan a strategy, move forward, change course as needed, and be aware a failure is just one battle and not the end of your self-help change war. So many people I have worked with over the decades have not clearly defined the problem and are not realistic on what needs to be done over time to make the desired personal change. A good quotation by Will Durant is as follows: “WE ARE WHAT WE REPEATEDLY DO. EXCELLENCE, THEN IS NOT ONE ACT, BUT A HABIT.