
Academic Functioning

Persons will obtain results in basic academic areas to determine how they are achieving in
relation to same age peers.Evaluations are for students and non-students.

ADHD Evaluations

Comprehensive psycho-educational assessments that address the AD/HD hallmarks of
Inattention, Impulsiveness and Hyperactivity.


Anxiety is everyday tension that must be controlled if one is to have peaceful life with limited

Assessments for ACT, SAT, LASAT, MCAT & GRE

Comprehensive psycho-education assessments that determine specific problem areas and
possible recommendations for accommodation on the tests.

Bariatric Evaluations

Evaluations to determine if a person is psychologically able to undertake the surgery.


When sadness and the inability to see the positive in one’s life, there is a need to bring some
positive sunlight into your life.


Hypnosis is a form of trance when a person in a deep relaxation state is ready, willing and able to
make changes in life.

Individual Counseling

The process to help a person effectively make sense of one’s life and functions more effectively.


The ability to store short term and long term memory is important in a person’s daily ongoing
life. The identification of problem areas with recommendations to improve it and better cope
with it can be helpful.

Mental Status

The current mental functioning of a person and the ability to make rational decisions is the
primary purpose of determining mental status.


OCD can be a debilitating mental health condition. For example, the obsessive desire to wash
hands and the compulsion to do it over and over again is a typical example of something that can
disrupt one’s daily life.


Phobias are unreasonable fears with the reality of the situation. A common debilitating phobia is
aviophobia or the fear of frying. Typical phobias are food phobias, germ phobias, spider phobias
and height phobias. The list of phobias is as long as the imagination of human beings.

Rate of Processing

A major reading problem is slow processing of reading materials. Identifying of the problem
and strategies to improve it can be helpful. Possible school accommodations for testing can be

Reading Comprehension

The ability to effectively read and understand it is the key to effective reading comprehension.
There are many reasons why a person has reading comprehension problems and the goal of
assessment is to determine what they are with strategies to overcome them.

Speaking Engagements

Dr. Braccio is available to speak on a range of subjects. Typical would be anger management,
stress reduction, AD/HD and living a positive and happy life.