Tag: motivation



    Intrinsic motivation is critical to the satisfaction that one finds in life. What is extreme drudgery and non-fulfilling for one person fully energizes and motivates an individual and functions as never-ending high-octane fuel. It is internal and does not require extrinsic motivation which would result in financial, professional, and societal awards that come from top performance. To become a top person in your field or activity to the highest level possible may result in extrinsic rewards and praise, but the person who is the most satisfied achieves at the highest level because of love for the activity and a great desire to solve any problems or concerns related to it. Excellence does not come easily. It is the result of hard work, many defeats, and a desire to succeed to the highest level possible. Not everyone can be a great machinist, athlete, or scientist; however, for persons to be their best and to endure in the field for many years requires intrinsic motivation that is not easily seen by the outsiders who only see the success that is demonstrated. They are not aware of the long hours, failures, and effort that went into the achievement.

    How to Work with Your Athlete Son Who Appears to Lack Motivation


    Dr. John A.Braccio:  My husband and son have heard you and your father over the years on the radio kocasinan escort ilanları talking with Jack Ebling, Graham Couch and others about motivation to be your best as an athlete.  Our son is going to be a sophomore next year in high school.  He is a solid academic student but cannot seem to do that well as an athlete.  His coaches say he has very good ability but is too timid and lacks fire.  We don’t discourage him but probably are less interested in his playing sports and want him to continue above all else to be a good student.  What have you done with other athletes like him and what do you feel would help him?  He wants to do well in sports as he does in school.  We want him happy and successful.  


    It’s great to hear that your son is a good student and involved in sports.  I would first encourage your son to stay involved.   Young athletes need balance in life and sports can provide that. Guiding him to create a vision and goals for himself to achieve to his potential, possibly with the help of a sports psychologist, may be beneficial for your son. Athletes who do not have appropriate mindsets to do their best in sports often appear to lack “fire” and underachieve.  Creating a vision with goals, challenging him to stay engaged, and prepare to do his best would be very helpful.  The resulting success will connect with his emotions and help him to be less timid and have “the fire” to reach his potential.  Some of techniques we use as psychologists in the office, include hypnosis, deep relaxation, and visualization.  They can be powerful support to athletes like him as he matches his skills and performance.