Tag: traditions


    An important note is that religious traditions are important to all religious groups. The reason for focusing on Christians is that December 25th is a national holiday that many millions of Americans celebrate now and have since before the founding of the country. Christian traditions develop strong relational bonds between persons of all ages. In a world with increasing isolation for many persons, building Christian family traditions can be a bridge to a better sense of belonging with an important and loving group. For Christians, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Celebrating his birth includes such things as wreaths, nativity scenes, Christmas Trees, gifts, special foods, family get-togethers, caroling , religious ceremonies, nativity scenes, and yes, the Hallmark Channel Movies on Christmas. For one example of the importance and longevity of these traditions, my wife has spent all 70 Christmas Eves of her life celebrating them with ever-changing and developing family members over the generations as people die and are born. She spent her first 17 years in Cuba raised by a Cuban mother and a Spanish father. She brought her Christmas traditions with her and we continue them with our children and grandchildren. Her traditions are essentially the same as I experienced with an Italian-born father. Christians believe with faith that those that live now will eventually meet and spend eternity with family members no longer here. These beliefs are cemented in the traditions of  Christmas and other great Christian holidays. The birth of Christ is the never-ending birth of Christianity and the resulting traditions.


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