Tag: worrying

    Dr. Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM WILS discuss: 2020 IS FINALLY COMING TO AN END WE LOOK TO 2021 WITH HOPE FOR A RETURN FOR NORMALITY

    12-29-2020 Dr Braccio speaks with Dave Akerly of 1320 AM WILS: 2020 IS FINALLY COMING TO AN END AS WE LOOK AT 2021 WITH HOPE FOR A RETURN TO SOME FORM OF NORMALITY. 2020 has been an extremely difficult test of endurance as the Pandemic Terror grips the United States and the rest of the world. Levels of Anxiety,Depression,Substance Abuse,Exhaustion,Disillusionment and Feelings of Isolation have continued to grow as 2020 has worn on and on and on. Finally,2020 is ending. The Vaccines give hope for 2021 as does the ultimate herd immunity that will occur sometime in the future. At a positive level, human beings always fight for survival and even if battered will overcome this Pandemic. That some have grown spiritually is also positive as humans try to find purpose in life during crises. Even if we enter 2021 as the “beginning of the beginning” in the colossal battle against the Pandemic, there must be a beginning before we can have an ending. We are fortunately at that stage.


    CHRISTMAS IS THE GREAT CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY WHERE GOD SENT HIS ONLY SON-JESUS CHRIST-TO DIE FOR US TO MAKE UP FOR ALL OF OUR SINS AND ALLOW US TO END UP TOGETHER IN ETERNITY. It is a day of joy for Christians and those respectful of Christian beliefs and traditions. One can listen to the joyous and exuberant combination of Mario Lanza’s rendition of JOY TO THE WORLD and Andy William’s IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR to wonderfully and with great passion feel both the religious emphasis of Lanza and the secular emphasis of Williams. The contrast combined together includes both reverence for Jesus Christ and the symbols of Christmas that would include such things as Christmas Trees/ornaments, nativity scenes, Santa Claus, holly, wonderful meals, candy canes, and Christmas Cards. In this difficult pandemic, we are experiencing, many persons will have limited access to other persons. In such times, Christmas can be a time for personal reflection, spiritual/moral improvement, reliving memories of past Christmases, immersing self in beautiful Christmas/spiritual music and readings. For those feeling isolated, it is a time to make contact with internet and phone tools that allow positive and even loving contact that unfortunately does not include personal contact. For those of us who will be with loved ones on Christmas, let us feel blessed and make an effort to reach out to those who are alone. Christians reaching out to others alone at Christmas would be a gift of love well representative of the Christmas spirit at its zenith.


    12-15-2020 Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss THE PFIZER VACCINE IS THE BEGINNING OF THE BEGINNING In the horrible war of attrition, every American has been waging against the Pandemic. Even if there are many who may choose not to use the vaccine and others must wait for months to get it, this is a special time Americans can be proud of our scientists, political leaders, and corporations working together to come up with vaccines in remarkable time to stem the lethal tide of the Pandemic. For emphasis, that they have come so far so quickly is amazing That the Pfizer vaccine was manufactured in Michigan, will be distributed to all 50 states and some just flew out of Capitol Region International Airport is something very special and wonderful for those of us in Michigan. It also is very positive for all citizens of the world whose lives may be saved. As I said, it is the beginning of the beginning in the horrible war of attrition every American has been waging against the Pandemic.


    Dr John & Dave Akerly discussion on DISCONTINUING THERAPY IF NOT COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR THERAPIST OR THE DIRECTION OF THE THERAPY 12-08-2020 Over the decades of doing therapy I have been amazed how many persons continue in therapy even when they are not comfortable with the therapist,are not satisfied with the direction of the therapy or feel there is no progress. In such situations,it may be time to end therapy completely,alter the direction of the therapy or seek a new therapist who better meets your needs. Therapy is very personal and always remember therapists are human beings who have their own life history. When you have such feelings,have an honest talk with your therapist about your feelings. Do not assume you are the problem and resistant to therapy. You may not be the right combination in a relationship that requires a strong mutual connection of respect,acceptable interventions and desired outcomes. It also may be the case the therapeutic relationship has gone as far as it can go and needs to end. Whatever the reason,it is time to have an honest discussion with your therapist and discuss your future and what you will decide to do. It is your life.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL COMMUNICATION IN FAMILIES. 12-01-2020

    One of the sad things in life is how poorly so many families get along. During this holiday period, even during this pandemic, fractures in family communication are becoming apparent as some combination of parents, children, grandchildren, and in-laws have grievances that hurt or even destroy communication. The following are keys to successful communication in families: 1.ELIMINATE SECRETS THAT LEAD TO POTENTIAL CONFLICT. 2.BE ACCEPTING OF DIFFERENT VIEWS, INCLUDING SPIRITUAL AND POLITICAL. 3.DO NOT PLAY FAVORITES. 4.SUPPORT AND RESPECT ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. 5.CHAMPION AND CONFIRM EACH OTHER. 6. DO NOT PRAISE GRANDSTANDING, POWER SEEKING, FINANCIAL AND/OR PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS AND COMPETITION. 7.PROTECTING EACH OTHER. 8.HONORING, HONING AND CREATING NEW FAMILY TRADITIONS THAT UNIFY AND ENHANCE FAMILY COMMUNICATION.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly 1320 AM discuss- A SALUTE TO THANKSGIVINGS DAY

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly 1320 AM discuss- A SALUTE TO THANKSGIVINGS DAY 11-24-2020 Thanksgiving is the one day a year we all need to kick out all negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. In psychology,that is called COGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING. It is my favorite day because the vast majority of persons have positive non-judgmental feelings about it. That is unique in this age of rage and the ongoing pressures of the Pandemic. This is the time to think about positive things in the present as well as from the past. We can focus on good family memories,positive work experiences,enjoyable readings,enjoyable music,sporting victories,friendship magical moments,and events of spiritual and/or moral growth. The list can go on and on. The main thing is to give thanksgiving for what you have now and have had in the past in the form of memories. Those are things we can give super positive focus on this 2020 Thanksgiving Day! Go for them and get them! Happy Thanksgiving!


    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM WILS 11-17-2020 WHY GRATEFULNESS PRIOR TO THANKSGIVING IS IMPORTANT DURING THE PANDEMIC WITH EXPANDING RESTRICTIONS As Michigan and other states have even been adding more restrictions prior to Thanksgiving,people already weary must adapt to new restrictions which will result in millions of persons not being with many loved ones and friends during this Thanksgiving period. Even worse,many persons will be alone from now until after Thanksgiving. This year,Thanksving,generally a time of happiness for the vast majority,will be a difficult time emotionally for most. With that said,even in this very difficult period,it is good for our own mental health to show gratefulness for what we have and help others having a hard time. The following are ways we can show gratefulness even in these difficult pandemic times: 1.Call persons from your past or even more recently who helped advance you in life and thank them. 2.Call persons to cheer them up when you know or believe they are not doing well. 3.For many,be grateful for the time to further develop your spirituality and individual relationship with your God. 4.With or without a sense of spirituality,this is a time to be grateful to evaluate and more strongly develop your moral code. 5.Be grateful for the time to contact friends and other persons for long interactions which you probably would not have had without the extra time.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss OCD AND THE PANDEMIC 11-10-2020

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss OCD AND THE PANDEMIC 11-10-2020 The pandemic impacts all of us to one degree or another. Persons with OCD(OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER) can suffer very severe psychological dysfunction due to it. The characteristics of this psychological disorder are far above average unreasonable thoughts and fears(OBSESSIONS) that result in compulsive behaviors to help reduce the anxiety The condition can be severe in times of relative normality. Common types of OCD INCLUDE CONTAMINATION,HOARDING,INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS,CONSTANT CHECKING,INCESSANT HAND WASHING AND ANYTHING ELSE THAT WOULD SEEM ABSURD TO ANYONE ELSE. The anxiety can only be relieved by the compulsive behavior. Prognosis is not good and the person needs to always be on guard so as not to return to the compulsion and to add others. The following are some remedies to use during the pandemic: 1.KEEP IN CONTACT WITH PERSONS. 2.DO NOT SOCIAL ISOLATE. 3.PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCE 4.WASH HANDS REASONABLY,DO NOT TOUCH THE FACE AND WEAR MASKS. 5.DO NOT OBSESS OVER THINGS THE PERSON CANNOT CONTROL. 6.STAY IN CONTACT WITH THERAPIST OR SEEK ONE OUT IF NECESSARY. 7.TAKE CARE OF BASIC PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS. 8.EXERCISE DAILY. 9.ELIMINATE NEWS,PEOPLE AND CIRCUMSTANCES THAT CAUSE ANXIETY. 10.MAINTAIN A CONSISTENT AND REASONABLE ROUTINE.


    October 27, 2020 THE GROWING EPIDEMIC OF SENIOR SUBSTANCE/ALCOHOL ABUSE. Substance/alcohol abuse is a growing problem among seniors.(I am defining them as one in this podcast). There is an estimation that substance abuse among seniors will be 5.7 million in 2020. That is double the 2006 count. It has been called by some the “SILENT EPIDEMIC”. Common concerns of seniors would include the following: 1.RETIREMENT WITH LACK OF PURPOSE. 2.FINANCIAL PROBLEMS. 3.LOSS OF SPOUSE AND/OR LOVED ONES. 4.HEALTH PROBLEMS. 5.CHRONIC PAIN. 5.INSOMNIA. 6.LOW SELF-WORTH. 7.HISTORY OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE. 8.NOT ACKNOWLEDGING THE MAGNITUDE OF THE PROBLEM. 9.LONELINESS. 9LOSS OF SPIRITUALITY. These problem areas can lead seniors to abuse drugs and alcohol trying to reduce their physical and/or psychological pain. It also is true many seniors grew up in the sixties and still have inappropriate awareness of the dangers of substance abuse they are risking. Because seniors often are not working or do not have daily routines or day to day responsibilities,it is easy for caring family and friends to not notice or be aware of their symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse. Symptoms that can be confused with aging would include the following: 1.MEMORY LOSS. 2.SLURRED SPEECH. 3.MOBILITY PROBLEMS. 4.ANGER. 5.UNPREDICTABLE MOOD SWINGS. 6.DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY LEVELS. 7.POOR PHYSICAL HYGIENE. 8.LACK OF INTEREST IN USUALLY PLEASURABLE ACTIVITIES. 9.FALLING EPISODES. 10UNEXPLAINED BRUISES. 11.LACK OF CONTACT WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS….Sometimes it is necessary for family and/or friends to confront the person in an attempt to help end the abuse. The use of a trained therapist can be helpful…When the senior decides there is a problem and wants to overcome it,the following can be helpful: 1.FAMILY AND FRIENDS SUPPORT. 2.CLERGY. 3.APPROPRIATE MEDICATION. 4.SUPPORT GROUPS. 5.DETOXIFICATION THAT CAN INCLUDE INPATIENT TREATMENT. 6.OUTPATIENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING. 7.COUNSELING TO ADDRESS NON-SUBSTANCE AND ALCOHOL ABUSE RELATED PROBLEM AREAS.


    On 10-13-2020 Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss BEHAVIORS OF HUMAN PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATORS The caring and trusting human being is the perfect victim for the psychological manipulator. The manipulator has no sense of right or wrong and only wants to dominate and cause psychological havoc in the victim. The goal is to be on top and always right. They prey on human weakness and can through their negative human cunning lead persons to be confused on long-held beliefs. They even can convince persons to change on beliefs that are critical to good self-esteem and ethical living. Good human interaction on ideas and beliefs are critical for persons to change as their lives unfold…Typical behaviors of the psychological manipulator would include the following: 1.Guilt. 2.Find your weaknesses and use them against you. 3.Undermine your self-confidence by convincing you of how you are so flawed. 4.Convince you that you are always wrong. 5.Never offers respect and caring except to deviously use as manipulative psychological tactics. 6. Deceitfully talks negatively about you with your friends and associates to undermine your relationships. Amazingly, some human psychological predators are so effective they succeed at this. 7.They love the psychological havoc they cause and never stop until they no longer can be successful at it. When that happens, they look for the next victim…The best defense is developing good self-esteem and surrounding yourself with trusted friends and family who can help you not fall under what appears to be a psychological spell that sadly is cast over you. Priests, ministers and therapists can be helpful when friends and family are not available or the power over you does not allow you to regain psychological control over self. The road to recovery can be long and difficult.

    Dr Braccio discuss with Dave Akerly WHEN SILENCE IS GOLDEN.

    SEPTEMBER 29, 2020

    WHEN SILENCE IS GOLDEN. We live in an age of talkers whether it is IN-PERSON, TELEVISION, MEDIA, EMAILS, TWITTER,iPhones, FACEBOOK, FACETIME, MESSAGING, DUO, ZOOM, and on and on in an always changing endless stream. In such an age, there are many times that the metaphor of GOLDEN with SILENCE rings true. Included are times when active listening, good communication, understanding, sensitivity, tolerance, intelligence, and intuition lead us to realize when SILENCE IS GOLDEN. It is amazing how many people to their own detriment never learn this.

    Dr Braccio Discusses with Dave Akerly of 1320 AM STOP SELF-SABOTAGING YOURSELF- 9-22-20

    STOP SELF-SABOTAGING YOURSELF Too many people let small setbacks in their daily lives result in the proverbial “thousand cuts” that will stop them from fulfilling their overall goals. The most common of these would include breaking a diet,having a cigarette,or not exercising because of a failure on a given day. People too often after a brief failure go back to the default behaviors that need to be eliminated. We must say as the British have said- “rubbish”-and go back to our original plan. These small self-sabotaging setbacks too often are representative of the person’s overall behaviors and carry over to bigger life goals. These include education,spirituality/moral development,relationship building, career advancement training and behaviors,happiness seeking, and other life altering activities because of a setback that discourages them from going forward and self-sabotages their dreams and goals. Even in the midst of difficulties and seemingly extremely difficult challenges, we must keep our eye on the ball and not self-sabotage our future. Those who persevere in life need not be the smartest but they clearly work the hardest to achieve their dreams and goals and do not let defeats stop them. Rather than self-sabotaging,we must see a temporary defeat not as final but something to learn from and not do again. Life can be a very exciting experience if we look upon daily activities and challenges as exciting new tasks to successfully accomplish. To not do this can lead to an unhappy life because of self-sabotaging behaviors and always wondering what could have happened in their lives if they had consistently pursued their dreams and goals.

    Dr Braccio Discusses with Dave Akerly of 1320 AM DEVELOPING RESILIENCE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 9-15-20

    DEVELOPING RESILIENCE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. More and more people are reporting anxiety, depression, even suicide, substance abuse, family conflicts, work-related problems, and obsessive-compulsive behavior resulting as the devastation of the Covid-19 pandemic extends over more and more time. It is critical during this ongoing crisis to not let it wear down your resiliency like a battery gradually going dead. This is when people develop what can often be severe mental health conditions as well as substance abuse. What persons need to do is get enough sleep, be hydrated, exercise, focus on what is positive in their lives, further develop spiritual and/or moral purpose in their lives, finding a new normal and enjoyment in it, seek out professional help as needed, think positively and kick out negative thoughts, continue social interactions with friends and family, be tolerant in the home and in other social settings, develop more in-home hobbies and/or educational options, and recognize the pandemic will end and you want to come out of it as mentally and physically healthy as possible. It will occur if you follow some of these suggestions as well as others you find to specifically be helpful for you.


    INTIMATE COMMUNICATION IN MARRIAGES REQUIRES A WILLINGNESS TO BE VULNERABLE TO POSSIBLE BETRAYAL AND/OR INDIFFERENCE Fear of betrayal and/or indifference are mayor reasons people choose not to share deep feelings about themselves. They may have never learned how to trust or when they did people used the information as a tool to hurt them,including telling other people their deepest secrets that were only to be shared with that person. In a marriage,particularly during the time of the pandemic when couples and families are often in a lockdown mode for large periods of time,this can be a time to try to rekindle old feelings and share deep inner thoughts. Often,the couple has simply stopped sharing deep feelings due to the routine of everyday life taking over. If so,go back to the beginning and start anew. With couples or individual spouses who have never shared but have working marriages,take the risk and begin sharing deep feelings. It can be scary and difficult,but the emotional rewards can be overwhelmingly positive as the marriage accelerates into a merging of two person’s feelings into one. Someone needs to take the risk to begin. Why not you? Taking into account the wondrous possibilities for personal growth and love enhancement,why not start the process today? It may be awkward to begin,but the bountiful possible rewards to the marriage make it all very worthwhile. As the old Pepsi add proclaimed: GO FOR THE GUSTO!


    It is unfortunate how often spouses, even those who genuinely love each other, sabotage the dreams and goals of each other. Reasons would include the following: Wanting more control. Competition. Lack of security. Control over family finances. Wants more attention. Lack of trust. Dislike of roles and a desire to change them. Jealousy. Differing views on lifestyle. Anger. Inability to effectively problem solve. Getting even for perceived unfairness or disliked behavior. Deviousness. Dishonesty. Parenting differences. Strong disagreements on who controls specific aspects of the marriage. Disagreements on responsibilities. Friendships. Spirituality or lack thereof…The ability for spouses to be able to discuss these and other problem areas and eliminate them through a combination of honest soul searching, active listening, non-judgmental interaction, and genuine compromise in problem-solving mode is critical to success.


    Life is made up of opportunities and obstacles. With the right mindset,this combination can make life exhilarating or very stressful and unfulfilling. We need to see obstacles as opportunities for resolution rather than insolvable problems that stop us from moving forward to meet our dreams. Do not realize as your life is marching on that your lack of fulfillment as a human being is because you have always taken the easy way out and never have realized your dreams which were within reach with the right attitude and dedication. If this is true with you,do not focus on lost opportunities. They are gone. You must now bring forth new dreams and chase them with resolute commitment and effort. Highly happy and successful people regularly state they loved the road travelled to achieve their dreams as much as the dreams themselves. Dreams vary with the person. They can range from being a business tycoon or major political figure to completing a certificate of achievement for self-fulfillment.

    Dr Braccio speaks with Dave Akerly of 1320 AM on HUGE DEPRESSION INCREASE CAUSED BY THE PANDEMIC

    Dr John & Dave Akerly 8-18-20 HUGE DEPRESSION INCREASE CAUSED BY THE PANDEMIC One need not be a psychologist to see the emotional havoc caused by the pandemic in so many people we interact. The most current and immediate crisis aspect of the pandemic is how to educate our children at all levels ranging from pre-school to the university. Recent information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) is almost shocking even while seeing daily the fears so many Americans have as well as those around the world. The rates of symptoms for Depression have increased 400 percent from a year ago in responses to a survey. Not far behind is Anxiety with a 300 percent increase. In addition to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) and appropriate medication,the following are some strategies to use to overcome Depression. 1.Notice the heroes who work every day to make our lives livable. 2.Think positive scenarios to stories/fantasies/thoughts that come to our mind. Be a positive storyteller to ourselves. 3.Reach out physically—safely —,visually or by phone to get human contact. We are social animals and need this. 4.Find ways to help others and not focus on self. Depression makes it hard to focus on anything outside of one’s own suffering. 5.Look for things to enjoy in the moment to overcome negative thoughts and feelings. 6.Get up and do something physically! Just taking a walk can be most helpful. Depression often leads to inactivity which is breeding ground for the negative symptoms of Depression that can overwhelm a person. 7.Develop psychologically supportive spirituality consistent with your beliefs.


     As we have discussed in the past,persons who agree to do too much and cannot say “NO” to requests can be overwhelmed by them.  Sadly,the statement—ASK A BUSY PERSON TO SOMETHING IF YOU WANT TO GET SOMETHING DONE—may be true,but the effects on the person can be devastating from a mental and physical health perspective as well as not allowing the person to meet their own priorities and needs. Saying “NO” is critical for a person to be able to appropriately care for self,family/children/spouse/parents,and other persons and activities the person chooses. The biblical statement whether implemented from a spiritual or secular humanist view is appropriate for the person who has problems saying “NO” to various persons wanting help-LOVE THE NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF. 


     Inappropriate and unfair treatment in our youth can ingrain negative thoughts primarily about ourselves but also about others and anything else we experience in life. A parent or prominent authority person who demeans us and calls us names such as STUPID,IGNORANT,DUMMY,CLUELESS,IMBECIL,BASTARD,VILE,FILTHY,SHAMELESS/SHAMEFUL,HOPELESS,SELFISH,EVIL,GODLESS,FEARFUL,HEARTLESS,UNCARING,UGLY,ETC. in a never ending stream can impact us emotionally the rest of our lives. Even if not consciously,these negative views of ourselves can be ingrained and believed. When this occurs,poor self-esteem results in poor/failed marriages/relationships,underachieving work/academic performance,and overall unhappiness in life. It is critical to one’s self-image,happiness and overall success in life to not allow demeaning and destructive tapes from the past done by evil persons to still control our thoughts and actions. Begin to happily live your life with positive thoughts and actively shed your mind of old negative tapes. You will give credence to your own thoughts and define who you are. Go for it now!


    Narcissists are persons who think of themselves as superior to others and demand attention,absolute commitment,adulation and constant praise. They believe the sun comes up in the morning so they may have light and goes down at night so they can better sleep. They lack empathy for others and have problems in maintaining meaningful relationships. They can be charming,dynamic,charismatic and the life of any party. They can manipulate good people to do their bidding and quite often psychologically overwhelm otherwise good persons into loving them.  They then take advantage of them because of their love and commitment to them. When you add the histrionic element to the personality of the narcissist,constant drama becomes central to the relationship. Such persons are often called DRAMA QUEENS AND KINGS. When one understands the Histrionic Narcissist,the personality flaws and behaviors are self-evident. What also is amazingly evident is how good persons have relationships with them. The veritable emotional avalanche of charisma and charm directed at the desired conquest can overwhelm the common senses  of the wisest of human beings. Because the Histrionic Narcissist has no conscience and acts only on the weaknesses and desires of the victim,their success is somewhat reasonable taking into account how powerful is the desire so many humans have for love and understanding from another human being. Belore long,the mask comes off and the histrionics begin. Potential victims need to run away immediately after recognition of who they are dealing with and long before the Histrionic Narcissistic can begin the psychological devastation they so effectively cause. This is easier said than done.