Obviously,each person would have different views. Cicero,the great Roman orator,writer and politician believed the good life was comprised of an equal mix of contentment and virtue. While some might say power,wealth and attractiveness would lead to the good life,I believe some combination of the following would lead to the good life. 1.TOLERANT OUTLOOK WITH SELF AND OTHERS. 2.PUT SELF IN SHOES OF OTHERS. 3.ENJOYS LIFE BUT TEMPERATE IN HABITS AND BEHAVIORS. 4.REALIZES THERE CAN BE TWO OR MORE DIFFERENT BUT LEGITIMATE VIEWS. 5.STRONG SPIRITUAL BELIEFS. 6.RECOGNIZING RIGHT FROM WRONG AND ATTEMPTING TO DO RIGHT. 7.TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM TREAT YOU. 8.RECOGNIZE YOUR GIFTS AND ABILITIES ARE TO BE USED TO HELP YOU AND OTHERS. 9.LOVE YOURSELF AS WELL AS OTHERS. 10.ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL TO THOSE WHO HAVE HELPED YOU IN YOUR LIVES. 10.A GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.