Obesity: An American Crisis

Obesity: An American Crisis

It is a sad phenomenon that 65% of karatay genç kızlar Americans suffer from Obesity. Think about that….65%! This is hard to believe when the news is filled with heart wrenching pictures and stores about starving children and adults around the world.
The following statistics give you a clear idea of the severe danger to each of us if we are obese:
–Increases your risk of Arthritis by 200%
–Increases your risk of High Cholesterol by 200%
–Increases your risk of Heart Disease by 200%
–Increases your risk of diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes by 300%
My suggestion is that you use 2008 to funnel your energy into a weight loss period. This requires a change in lifestyle. You must eat nutritiously and judiciously as well as having a daily exercise regimen. My hypnosis CD could be helpful to assist to you and your program. However, the key to any success in any endeavor, whether it be weight loss or knitting, is commitment and follow through. Why not visualize you as a water fountain of health rather than a ticking time bomb?
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

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