Dr.Braccio: Our intelligent escort bayan mersin and attractive seventeen year old daughter is entering her senior year and is having a hard time emotionally. She never wants to do things, has few friends and just mopes around the house saying how bad her life is. We previously had her in counseling. She said it didn’t help her and she now takes an anti-depressant. Nothing seems to help her. She can find the flaw or negative in anything she does or we say. What can we do? We have just about given up.
In street terms, your daughter has a case of “negativity” whereby she plays life’s victim. As you can see, this negative outlook is totally destructive and stops her from having any success or happiness in her life.
While your daughter might now be worse emotionally without the counseling she had or her current anti-depressant, it also is true nothing can help someone who chooses to see everything through a negative prism. This is similar to the proverb, “The best of winds will not help a ship that steers for no port”.
She seems to have lost all passion for life and is emotionally immobilized. This is the result of “negativity”. Her self-talk is such that she refuses to see anything positive and simply “mopes around the house” in a hopeless stupor.
To overcome depression/negativity, one must literally “do something”. To just feel negative and that life is unfair will get her nowhere; and being nowhere makes one very dissatisfied with self and one’s life.
Even though success will probably be slow, keep trying to be positive and build on any positives that occur in her life. Also be aware your making resources available to her in the form of good advice, unconditional love, drug therapy, and previous counseling is the best you can do for her. Ultimately, she is responsible for her own happiness and must decide to make good decisions in that direction. Happiness is enjoying every day and deciding to seek out the positive in life and build our life around it.
To just “do something” may sound simple, yet persons who are depressed and negative find it so hard to do. All their human creativity is locked away in their unconscious and does them no good. It is as useful as a wonderful car locked away in storage.
Hopefully, she will one day begin to listen to her inner voice of strength to make good decisions that will ultimately result in her reaching her potential for happiness and satisfaction.