Hello Everyone!
Anger is something we all experience.The key mersin anamur eskort bayanları is dealing with it effectively. The following “Tips To Control Anger” will be discussed in an upcoming Brownbag Audio Freedom Kit being prepared at present. It is a comparison to my program on Anger entitled, I”m Free From Destructive Anger”. Shortly, there also will be an audio discussion on the “Ebling and You” Radio Program for you to hear on anger.
1. Humor.
2. Count to 10…count to 20.
3. Breath Deeply.
4. Visualizations.
5. Avoid letting the anger out in a negative way.
6. Mantra.
7. See the other side.
8. Think of the destructive impact on you physically and emotionally.
9. Think of the negative impact on others.
10. How important will this problem be in the future? In a year? In ten years? In 100 Years?
11. Use the “I” versus “You’” statement about how you feel in discussion with Active Listening
to better understand the feelings of the other person.
12. Don’t hold a grudge.
If you have any comments or questions on our audio visual programs or regarding my website or products, please email me or call (800) 233-0766. All products have a 30-day money back guarantee. My goal is to satisfy you and be helpful.